方法/步骤 1 第一步:打开“计算机”——“属性”2 第二步:在弹出字窗口后,点击”高级系统设置“3 第三步:”系统设置“窗口——”高级“选项——点击”环境变量“4 第四步:在”环境变量“里的——”系统变量“,找到——”JAVA_HOME“,点击——”编辑“5 第五步:注意变量值的路径,因为最后没有”\...
打开Android Studio报错 Plugin Error: required plugin “AndroidSupport” is disabled 更详细的错误信息如下: Problems found loading plugins: Plugin "Google Analytics Uploader" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled. Plugin "SDKUpdater" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Supp...
启动Android Studio时,报如下错误: 代码语言:javascript 复制 Problems found loading plugins: Plugin "Android Games" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled. Plugin "Android NDK Support" was not loaded: required plugin "Android Support" is disabled. Plugin "Android APK Support"...
Android Studio 有关生成密钥的 Android 文档本教程工作原理本教程中的应用将用户登录并代表他们获取数据。 此数据可通过受保护的 API (Microsoft Graph API) 进行访问,该 API 需要授权并且受 Microsoft 标识平台保护。此示例使用适用于 Android 的 Microsoft 身份验证库(MSAL)以实现身份验证:com.microsoft.identity....
* or libraries. Dependencies that are not required by all the modules in the * project should be configured in module-level build.gradle files. For new * projects, Android Studio configures JCenter as the default repository, but it * does not configure any dependencies. ...
Error:Failed to resolve: Could not resolve project :mylibrary.Required by:project :app 使用变体感知型依赖项管理机制 Error:Failedtoresolve:Couldnotresolveproject:mylibrary.Requiredby:project:app 您的应用包含库依赖项不包含的构建类型。 例如,您的应用包含“staging”版本类型,但依赖项仅包含“debug”和“re...
Android Studio automatically suggests the required import statements once you insert thestart()method, but if you see an error that the class names aren't recognized, add the following lines to the import statements in your activity class: ...
LightSegmentPlugin Required for background segmentation capabilities. lut Free filter resources demo_xxx_android_xxxx Demo project jniLibs libace_zplan.so 3D engine library libaudio2exp.so Avatar virtual human voice-driven library: If this feature is not used, the library is not needed. libc...
For development, the latest version of Android Studio is required. The latest version can be downloaded fromhere. Sunflower usesktlintto enforce Kotlin coding styles. Here's how to configure it for use with Android Studio (instructions adapted from the ktlintREADME): ...
If you need to use the demo of this codelab for verification, only the first step in the preparations is required. 4 Function Development Configuring the Project and Device 1. Go toFile>Openand import the demo project from the directory where the decompresseddemo projectis stored. ...