Android Studio的编辑器非常的智能,除了吸收Eclipse+ADT的优点之外,还自带了多设备的实时预览,相对这对Android开发者来说简直是神器啊。 7、内置终端 Studio内置终端,这对于习惯命令行操作的人来说简直是福音啊,再也不用来回切换了,一个Studio全部搞定。 8、更完善的插件系统 Studio下支持各种插件,如Git、Markdown、...
步骤1: 启动 Android Studio 双击Android Studio 图标,尝试正常启动程序。如果程序已在运行而没有显示 Setup Wizard,可以尝试关闭程序,然后重启。 步骤2: 清理配置文件 假如在首次安装运行时 Setup Wizard 没有显示(如由于配置文件错误),可以尝试删除启动时产生的配置文件。这些文件的位置如下: Windows:C:\Users\<You...
Android Studio下载网址:。注意:Android Studio 要求JDK1.7以上才可以安装。安装过程非常简单,这里就不详细介绍了。 我遇到第一个问题就是:安装完成后第一次启动时候会首先显示Fetching Android SDK component information,等一会儿在Setup Wizard - Downloading Components界面...
information,等一会儿在Setup Wizard - Downloading Components界面下面开始下载Andorid SDK,因为下载地址被墙的缘故,所以这里等很长时间,最后提示失败。 解决办法是在任务管理器中手工关掉android studio的进程,然后打开Android Studio安装目录的bin目录下面的idea.properties文件,在末尾添加一条禁用开始运行向导的配置 项:dis...
第1步,打开Android Studio 双击打开桌面上的Studio64 - 快捷方式,由于是第一次打开,会弹出设置导入的提示框,如图1-3。 图1-3 第2步,Data Sharing选择 这里我们没有Android Studio设置信息,所以直接选择Do not import settings,然后选择OK进入下一步,如图1-4。这一步是Data Sharing选择,就是询问我们是否允许goog...
Once the Android Studio setup wizard appears, work through the various screens to configure the installation to meet your requirements in terms of the file system location into which Android Studio should be installed and whether or not it should be made available to other users of the system. ...
Select whether you want to import previous Android Studio settings or not, then click OK. The Android Studio Setup Wizard guides you though the rest of the setup, which includes downloading Android SDK components that are required for development. ...
Android Studio, Google’s IDE for Android development, includes the Android SDK in its installation and provides wizard options that simplify the management of the SDK platforms and tools that you need. Install Android Studio, and the Android SDK that it includes, by downloading the installation ...
/opt/android-studio/bin/ Or if you moved it to/usr/local/, then use the command: /usr/local/android-studio/bin/ This will open the setup. When first opened, select “Do not import Settings” and then press OK. ...
Bazel support for Android Studio. Features: Import BUILD files into the IDE. BUILD file custom language support. Support for Bazel run configurations for certain rule...