If you haven’t already encountered “Show quick-fixes & actions”, go practice with it now. It allows us access to all of Android Studio’s context-aware automatic fixes, as well as partial access to certain common refactors (e.g. “Replace if with switch”). This shortcut pairs espec...
13. Close a current tab:cmd + w(Windows / Linux:ctrl + shift + a)。 14. Hide all windows:cmd + shift + F12 (Windows / Linux:ctrl + shift + F12)。 15. Minimize Android Studio instance:cmd + m(Windows / Linux:ctrl + m)。 16. Format your code:cmd + option + l (Windows / ...
Command + minus/plus Collapse/expand current code block(折叠/展开代码块) Command + Shift + minus/plus Collapse/expand all code blocks(折叠/展开所有代码块) Command + D Duplicate current line or selection(复制当前行) Control + Space Basic code completion(基本代码补全) Control + Shift + Space S...
Make sure to trigger a Gradle sync in Android Studio. Now that you've integrated the SDK in your application, it's time to start the SDK and make use of App Center. 4. Start the SDK 4.1 Add the start() method To use App Center, you must opt in to the module(s) that you want...
依次点击Preferences → Keymap 并找到Split Vertically。然后打开上下文菜单并单击 Add Keyboard Shortcut。
但为了尽可能高效,我们需要设置一个自定义键盘的快捷方式。要做到这一点,依次点击Preferences Keymap并找到Split Vertically。然后打开上下文菜单并单击Add Keyboard Shortcut。 以我为例,对于垂直拆分视图,我增加了control + alt + v。 您也可以为水平分割视图定义快捷方式。
Add the project dependency. Right-click your project and choose Properties from the shortcut menu. Choose Android from the navigation tree on the left, click Add, and select the BridgeActivity project that you have imported to the workspace. Click Apply and Close....
Right-click your project and choose Properties from the shortcut menu. Choose Android from the navigation tree on the left, click Add, and select the BridgeActivity project that you have imported to the workspace. Click Apply and Close. Copy resource files in the assets direct...
原文链接:https://developer.android.com/studio/intro/keyboard-shortcuts.html Keyboard Shortcuts Android Studio includes keyboard shortcuts for many common actions. Table 1 shows the default keyboard shortcuts by operating system. Note:In addition to the default keymaps in table 1 below, you can se...
然后打开上下文菜单并单击 Add Keyboard Shortcut。 5、无干扰模式(Distraction Free Mode) 可以依次点击: View → Enter Distraction Free Mode来开启无干扰模式。 在无干扰模式下,编辑器占用整个IntelliJ IDEA框架,而没有任何编辑器选项卡和工具按钮,代码按中心对齐。[IntelliJ Idea查看模式] 6. 使用活动模板 可以...