在Android Studio的菜单栏中,选择“Tools”(工具)> “Device File Explorer”(设备文件资源管理器)> “Pair Devices Using Wi-Fi”(使用Wi-Fi配对设备)。此时,Android Studio会弹出一个“Pair devices over Wi-Fi”窗口。在窗口中,选择“Pair device with pairing code”(使用配对码配对设备)下方的“Scan QR co...
On your phone, go to Developer Options > Wireless Debugging > Pair Using QR/pairing code and search for “Wireless Debug”. From there, you can connect your phone over the Wi-Fi by pairing it with Android Studio using the QR code in Android studio or the pairing code....
如需使用二维码配对设备,请选择Pair device with QR code,然后扫描二维码,如图 2 所示。 如需使用配对码配对设备,请从Pair new devices over Wi-Fi对话框中选择Pair device with pairinging code。在您的设备上,选择Pair using pairing code。系统会显示一个 6 位数的配对码。当您的设备显示在Pair devices over ...
我通过使用此答案中提到的adb pair <ip-address>:<port> <code>避免了这种情况。看起来这个功能还有很长的路要走。 - gorilla_glue 2 我经常遇到这个问题(将我的Mac上的Android Studio与Android手机配对后,手机扫描QR码后电脑就会卡住)。当我在Android手机上禁用然后重新启用wifi调试时,在下一次尝试时它就能...
Now, click on the Pair Devices Using Wi-Fi option. This will open a new pop-up window which tells you that you can pair using a QR code on camera-enabled devices and using a six-digit pairing code on other devices. You can find both the QR scanner and pairing code by navigating ...
打开Android Studio,然后从运行配置下拉菜单中选择Pair Devices Using Wi-Fi。 在设备上,点按无线调试,然后配对设备: 如需使用二维码配对设备,请从上面的 Pair devices over Wi-Fi 窗口中选择 Pair device with QR code。 如需使用配对码配对设备,请从上面的 Pair devices over Wi-Fi 弹出式窗口中选择 Pair dev...
In the pairing dialog, select eitherPair using QR codeorPair using pairing codedepending on your previous selection in the Settings app on the device: You are reading a sample chapter froman old edition of the Android Studio Essentials – Kotlin Edition book. ...
.also{setContentView(it.root)it.includeTitle.tvTitle.text="Device Example"}lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO){// 使用设备id生成二维码CodeUtils.createQRCode(EXAMPLE_DEVICE_ID,DensityUtil.dp2Px(200)).let{qrCode->withContext(Dispatchers.Main){binding.ivQrCode.setImageBitmap(qrCode)}}}socket...
Emulatorplatform image must be installed if you plan to run your tests on it.Android Studio IDEalso provides a convenient UI to install and manage emulators. Real Android devices must haveUSB debugging enabledand should be visible asonlineinadb devices -loutput. ...
SDKfor Android into your development environment, such as Android Studio. It also sheds light on the initialization method and how to enable the debugging mode with a few simple steps. This allows you to run the demo app and get started with your smart life app development by using the App...