原因:检查build.gradle文件中buildtypes/debug 是否打开了混淆 Android gradle的buildTypes内部配置 buildTypes { debug { // 服务器配置 buildConfigField "String", "SERVERHEAD", "\"\"" //是否混淆 minifyEnabled false zipAlignEnabled true shrinkResources false proguardFiles getD...
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: No static field INSTANCE of type Lorg/apache/http/conn/ssl/AllowAllHostnameVerifier; in class Lorg/apache/http/conn/ssl/AllowAllHostnameVerifier; or its superclasses (declaration of 'org.apache.http.conn.ssl.AllowAllHostnameVerifier' appears in /system/framework/framewor...
在Android Studio 的專案窗格中,瀏覽至 app\src\main\res。 以滑鼠右鍵按一下 [res],然後選擇 [新增]>[目錄]。 輸入 raw 作為新的目錄名稱,然後選取 [確定]。 在[app]>[src]>[main]>res]>raw] 中,建立名為 auth_config_single_account.json 的新JSON 檔案,並貼上您先前儲存...
Android Studio offers code assist support for Java8 lambdas. If you are new to lambdas, just use the following to get started:Any interface with just one method is "lambda friendly" and can be folded into the more tight syntax If in doubt about parameters and such, write a normal anon ...
private static CrashHandler INSTANCE = new CrashHandler(); // 程序的 Context 对象 private Context mContext; // 系统默认的 UncaughtException 处理类 private Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler mDefaultHandler; // 用来存储设备信息和异常信息 private Map<String, String> infos = new HashMap<String, String>...
Open Android Studio, and select Start a new Android Studio project. Select Basic Activity and select Next. Enter a name for the application, such as MSALAndroidapp. Record the package name to be used in later steps. Change the language from Kotlin to Java. Set the Minimum SDK API level ...
在使用android studio中,布局的包中的文件是按字母顺序排列的,这样意味着activity,fragment和其他的layout是按组分类放置的---所以你知道从哪里去开始找一个文件了。 不止如此,用组建名称开头的布局文件可以很清晰的标识这个布局文件是被那类组建使用。 1.2
In Part 1 of this beginner’s introduction to Android Studio, you set up Android Studio in your development environment and got to know the user interface. Now, in Part 2, you’ll code your first app. The animated mobile app consists of a single activity, which presents Google’s ...
Use Android Studio to open your project and follow the steps below to modify the app/build.gradle file. 1. Add the TRTC SDK dependency to dependencies. dependencies { compile 'com.tencent.liteav:LiteAVSDK_TRTC:latest.release' } 2. In defaultConfig, specify the CPU architecture to be used ...
Android Studio Under the environment: in build.gradle File, add the following dependencies: dependencies { api 'com.tencent.mm.opensdk:wechat-sdk-android-without-mta:+' } (wechat-sdk-android-with-mta is no longer maintained as of version 5.4.3) ...