int toPointX = graphLeft + i * degreeSpace; int toPointY = graphBottom - ((int) (data[i] * degreeSpace)); paint.setColor(Color.YELLOW); paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); if (i==0){ linePath.moveTo(toPointX,toPointY); }else { linePath.lineTo(toPointX, toPointY); } // ...
然后我们在对应的Java文件中写下: GraphViewgraph=(GraphView) findViewById(; LineGraphSeries<DataPoint> series =newLineGraphSeries<>(newDataPoint[] {newDataPoint(0,1),newDataPoint(1,5),newDataPoint(2,3),newDataPoint(3,2),newDataPoint(4,6) }); graph.addSeries(series); 懒...
然后我们在对应的Java文件中写下: GraphView graph = (GraphView) findViewById(; LineGraphSeries<DataPoint> series = new LineGraphSeries<>(new DataPoint[] { new DataPoint(0, 1), new DataPoint(1, 5), new DataPoint(2, 3), new DataPoint(3, 2), new DataPoint(4, 6) })...
graph=(GraphView)findViewById(;LineGraphSeries<DataPoint>series=newLineGraphSeries<DataPoint>(newDataPoint[]{newDataPoint(0,1),newDataPoint(1,5),newDataPoint(2,-1),newDataPoint(3,10),newDataPoint(4,6),newDataPoint(5,8),newDataPoint(4,5)});graph.addSeries(series); 显示...
managing projects from Android Studio Documentation For adetailed documentation, please have a look at theWikior thejavadocs. Furthermore, you can also rely on theMPChartExamplefolder and check out the example code in that project. The corresponding application to the example project is alsoavailabl...
A categorized collection of Android Open Source Projects, More powerful web version: - Trinea/android-open-project
在项目中导入Graphview源码模块 如何导入可参考文章:013android初级篇之Android Studio 引用源码模块,jar及so文件 第一个简单程序 布局文件 代码语言:javascript 复制 <com.jjoe64.graphview.GraphViewandroid:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="200dip"android:id="@+id/graph"/> ...
Android Studio Android documentation on generating a keyHow this tutorial worksThe app in this tutorial signs in users and get data on their behalf. This data is accessed through a protected API (Microsoft Graph API) that requires authorization and is protected by the Microsoft identity platform....
Android Studio Android documentation on generating a keyHow this tutorial worksThe app in this tutorial signs in users and get data on their behalf. This data is accessed through a protected API (Microsoft Graph API) that requires authorization and is protected by the Microsoft identity platform....