{ canGoBack: false canGoForward: false code: -2 description: "net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED" loading: false target: 489 title: "" url: "https://m.facebook.com/" } Tested on the emulator and on a real device. (works fine on iOS) ...
比如对./test/someDeviceDriver.c文件中的某些行合入代码改动失败,则会将这些发生冲突的行数及内容都保存在./test/someDeviceDriver.c.rej文件中。我们可以在执行git am命令的目录下执行find -name *.rej命令以查看所有存在冲突的源文件位置 依据步骤2中生成的*.rej文件内容逐个手动解决冲突,然后删除这些*.rej文件...
八、Error:Execution failed for task ':app:preDebugAndroidTestBuild'.Conflict with dependency 'com.android.support:support-annotations' in project ':app'. Resolved versions for app (26.1.0) and test app (27.1.1) differ. 九、AndroidStudio SSL peer shut down incorrectly 问题 十、Failed to notif...
打开Android Studio:启动软件并进入设置。 找到SDK Manager:选择 “Tools” -> “SDK Manager”。 添加镜像源:将默认源替换为国内镜像源。 在操作过程中,你与 Android Studio 的互动情况可以用序列图表示如下: Android StudioUserAndroid StudioUser打开 SDK Manager显示 SDK 设置界面修改镜像源更新设置 ...
Resolved versions for app (26.1.0) and test app (27.1.1) differ. 只需要在Module下的build.gradle脚本下的android节点里添加以下配置即可 configurations.all { resolutionStrategy { force 'com.android.support:support-annotations:27.1.1' } } 六、AndroidStudio SSL peer shut down incorrectly 问题 ...
The webview shows a https website and it works fine! But when I use the app after sometime, it throws "err_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE". The only way I can resume it is by force closing the app and restarting it. Is there any way to handle this exception and reload t...
lib-name ├── Package.resolved ├── Package.swift ├── README.md ├── Sources │ └── ModuleName │ ├── ModuleName.swift │ ├── Resources │ │ └── Localizable.xcstrings │ └── Skip │ └── skip.yml └── Tests └── ModuleNameTests ├── ModuleNameTests...
[fmod] FMOD_JNI_GetEnv : JNI_OnLoad has not run, should have occurred during System.LoadLibrary. [libc] Access denied finding property “sys.perf.boostopt” [libc] Access denied finding property “sys.perf.boostopt” Resolved pending breakpoint at ‘StudioSystem.cs:47,1’ to void FmodForFox...
It seems app is not getting some required internal permissions. It is not able to validate/check device compliance status as it always says "last checked: January 1,1 12.43 AM" I dig more and found below error on log. Please help me how to address this proble...