重新打开android studio 就可以连接手机或者模拟器了。
android studio / eclipse 方法/步骤 1 打开命令提示符cmd(开始菜单搜索“cmd”),输入 adb nodaemon server,回车,记住端口号“5037”2 继续输入netstat -ano | findstr "5037" ,如图,找到PID号 3 按快捷键“Ctrl+Alt+Del”, 或者右击任务栏,打开任务管理器 4 点菜单栏“查看”——“选择列”5 勾选PI...
最近在启动Android Studio 时经常报出 adb not responding,如下图 多次重启无效,经过多番查找资料和实践,可能是adb.exe端口(5037)被占用了,总结出了两种方式可以解决以上问题。 第一、在命令提示符中输入命令:netstar -aon|findstr “5037”,结果如下 以上可知5037端口被pid为“6716”的程序占用了,我们来到任务管理...
Description For example, import module from file that don't exists shows error, after fixing it and reload, the error disappear but the device/emulator wont respond to touch(press, scroll or any other interaction) until closing the app a...
This kind of message comes while launching the app in Android Emulator. What solution for this type of message in the android studio emulator? So friend, today we’ll discuss the ‘system UI isn’t responding issue. There are different methods to solve this kind of issue. ...
After disabling these features, you can now install Android Emulator Hypervisor Driver from SDK tools in Android Studio and SDK Manager. Note that when you disable Hyper-V, WSL2 and other Virtual Machines will not work. To use them, you have to enable the feature again. ...
兔子-android studio出现ADB not responding. If you'd like to retry, then please manually kill,在尝试了重启adb重启as都不行之后,开始尝试如下解决办法:1.检查adb的端口5037是否被占用,2,看到了pid是3452的程序占用了3.去任务管理器中kill4.重启as
今天启动Android studio的时候出现“adb not responding. you can wait more, or kill "adb.exe" process manually and click 'Restart' ”这个错误: 尝试了点Wait more,Restart和Cancel按钮,都无法解决问题,重启也不行,后来在网上查了下解决的方法,说是adb运行的端口号被占用导致了这个问题,于是看是哪个进程占用...
General information on acceleration: https://developer.android.com/studio/run/emulator-acceleration. INFO | Storing crashdata in: /tmp/android-unknown/emu-crash-34.1.20.db, detection is enabled for process: 378 INFO | Duplicate loglines will be removed, if you wish to see each individual line...
注销重新登录 重启emulator。 4.Genymotion 无法登陆、无法加载虚拟机类、或者无法下载。 错误提示:Unable to create virtual device. server returned HTTP status code 0 解决方案:被墙了,请用代理(自行百度一个)。 错误界面 填写代理: 5.adb not responding ...