Tải xuống Android Studio [VI] Android Studio herunterladen [DE] 下载Android Studio [ZH] تنزيل Android Studio [AR] Unduh Android Studio [ID] Descargar Android Studio [ES] Download do Android Studio [PT] Télécharger Android Studio [FR] Download Android Studio [NL] Ladda ...
Android Studio is the official development suite from Android, combining all elements of the app building process. With a code editor, virtual android emulator and code templates, this free development suite aims to provide a streamlined service for app creators. Complete App Development Thanks to A...
1.安装IDE: 准备:已装过要卸载,且删除C:\user\yourname\下.android,.AndroidStudio,gradle3个文件夹。 1.1 cmd命令窗口,ping dl.google.com,得到ip203.208.43.101,把dl-ssl….和dl…都指向这个IP,具体:打开或新建C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts,在最后增加以下内容: dl-ssl.google.co...
1. 安装Android Studio 进入Android Studio官网https://developer.android.com/studio进行点击DOWNLOAD ANDROID STUDIO下载安装,默认安装即可 2. 首次启动 Android Studio 第一次启动,提示是否导入之前的设置,如果没有装过以及导出过AS的配置,默认选择不 此时会进行第一次启动检验 ,基本上会弹出“无法访问android sdk 插...
这里点击Start a new Android Studio project创建一个新的项目 选择Empty Activity 点击 Next 填写基本的项目信息,确保没有问题之后点击 Finish 然后会下载配置的Gradle,Android Studio3.5.2对应的就是gradle-5.4.1-all.zip ,所以要下载一个,,如果你安装的是4.0.1的版本,默认下载的gradle就是gradle-6.1.1-all.zip...
Android Studio 注意:以下 Android Studio 下载链接全是dl.google.com开头的官方下载,无需tizi,建议用浏览器直接从官方原始链接下载,不要用迅雷下载、不要用迅雷下载、不要用迅雷下载,重要的事情说三遍,避免类似XCodeGhost的事件!!! 版本平台下载大小SHA-256 校验码官方 SHA-256 校验码截图 ...
https://dl.google.com/android/studio/patches/updates.xml 可以看到最新的patch情况 截取其中一段: ``` <buildapiVersion="AI-171.4249.39"number="AI-171.4408382"version="3.0"> <message> <![CDATA[ A new Android Studio 3.0 is available in the beta channel. 3.0 includes new functionality, bug...
(Context.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE); initApkSpinner(); // 初始化安装包链接的下拉框 } // 初始化安装包链接的下拉框 private void initApkSpinner() { ArrayAdapter<String> apkUrlAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, R.layout.item_select, ApkConstant.NAME_ARRAY); sp_apk_url = findViewById(R.id.sp...
We are happy to announce that Android Studio 4.2 is now released and can be downloaded from the stable release channel. The focus of this version i...
Android Studio Bumblebee, also known as version 2021.1.1, coincides with version 7.1.0 of the Android Gradle plugin (AGP). There's a brand new Device Manager tool window in Android Studio, replacing the old AVD Manager, which makes it easy to manage physical and emulated devices for testing...