To further demonstrate the debugging capabilities of Visual Studio 2015, we will walk through a debug session using a real game, SineWave, made with Marmalade by Mad Fellows Games Studio, available for iOS, Android and Windows. The game is a futuristic on-rails shooter where the music...
以下是使用的应用 SimpleperfExampleCpp。它构建一个 app-debug.apk 应用来分析: $ git clone $ cd extras/simpleperf/demo # Open SimpleperfExampleCpp project with Android studio, and build this project # successfully, otherwise the `./gradlew` com...
Step1 安装VScode 安装VsCode,官网下载地址:Visual Studio Code 完全卸载VScode ①首先进行简单的卸载; ②删除C:\Users下的.vscode文件夹 ③删除C:\Users\AppData\Roaming下的Code文件夹 Step2 安装MinGW ①安装MinGW编译器 官网:MinGW-w64 软件下载:WinLibs - GCC+MinGW-w64 compiler for Windows 如果下载速度较...
为了方便,直接使用Android Studio中Sample:hello-jni,修改app/src/main/cpp/hello-jni.c文件内容如下,手动造一个Native Crash问题,这样在App启动后,就会出现闪退,抓取logcat日志。 因为使用的user版本的手机,所有没有权限读取到/data/tombstones日志,不过logcat日志对于分析本文的问题已经足够; /* * Copyright (C) ...
Android Studio- Useful if you don’t have a JEB licence and want to open a decompiled (via JADx) app into a proper IDE. ☆ APK Dependency Graph- An APK class dependency visualizer. Useful for attack surface mapping. disarm- A simple command line utility that takes as an argument a 32-...
手机user版本还是userdebug或是eng版本:adb shell getprop 因为使用的user版本的手机,所有没有权限读取到/data/tombstones日志,本次Crash case使用Logcat日志分析的问题; 可以看到,日志内容主要由下面几部分组成:(我们最主要的就是分析崩溃的过程和PID,终止的信号和故障地址和调用堆栈部分...
Below is a screenshot showing Visual Studio stopped at a breakpoint in C++ code for an Android app. You can see in the processes window the “Debugging” column shows “Native (GDB-based)” indicating this is Visual Studio’s GDB based debug engine for Android. In Visual Studio 2015, ...
[560星][21d] [C#] microsoft/miengine The Visual Studio MI Debug Engine ("MIEngine") provides an open-source Visual Studio Debugger extension that works with MI-enabled debuggers such as gdb, lldb, and clrdbg. [521星][1y] [C] wubingzheng/memleax debugs memory leak of running process. ...
基准测量工具 |-- can-utils // can相关 |-- capstone // disassembly框架 |-- catch2 // C++测试框架 |-- cblas // C interface to Legacy BLAS |-- cbor-java // Java7实现 |-- chromium-trace // 以HTML的形式显示数据使用情况 |-- chromium-webview // Webview |-- clang // C Language...
adb logcat | $NDK_HOME/ndk-stack -sym /Users/inke/AndroidStudioProjects/NDKPractice/app/build/intermediates/cmake/debug/obj/arm64-v8a/ 执行后得到的结果如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 *** Crash dump: *** Build fingerprint: 'vivo/PD2031E/PD2031:10/QP1A.190711.020/compiler02151207:user/rel...