不过上面的这个并没有解决我的问题,只是让我知道了是adb文件出现了问题,运行一个程序的时候是需要adb的,这个时候我打开任务管理器,发现并没有adb.exe进程,然后我重启andriod studio还是一样,所以我知道了肯定是platform-tools里面的adb.exe出问题了。我自己是设置了环境变量的,然后我打开命令提示符,输入adb并没有反...
在Android开发中,我们常常需要使用Android Studio来进行项目的打包工作。然而,有时候在打包过程中会遇到一些错误,比如报错"Failed to obtain compression information for entry"。这个错误通常是由于某些文件在打包过程中发生了异常导致的。本文将教会刚入行的小白如何解决这个问题。 解决步骤 为了更好地指导小白解决该问题...
Android Studio 關於產生金鑰的 Android 文件本教學課程的運作方式此教學課程中的應用程式會登入使用者,並且代表他們取得資料。 此資料會透過需要授權的受保護 API 來存取 (Microsoft Graph API),並會受到 Microsoft 身分識別平台保護。此範例會使用適用於 Android 的 Microsoft 驗證程式庫 (MSAL) 來實作驗證:com....
Android Studio 關於產生金鑰的 Android 文件本教學課程的運作方式此教學課程中的應用程式會登入使用者,並且代表他們取得資料。 此資料會透過需要授權的受保護 API 來存取 (Microsoft Graph API),並會受到 Microsoft 身分識別平台保護。此範例會使用適用於 Android 的 Microsoft 驗證程式庫 (MSAL) 來實作驗證:com....
An alternative to generating a hash is to skip this step and run through the rest of the configuration process. Once finished, if you build the project in Android Studio, Android Studio will log a message about what signature hash it was expecting for your device – you can then copy this...
Obtain the agconnect-services.json file. Copy the agconnect-services.json file to your app's module directory in the Android Studio project. Configuring SDK Addresses The procedure for configuring the Maven repository address in Android Studio varies with the Gradle plugin version. ...
Open Android Studio, and select Start a new Android Studio project. Select Basic Activity and select Next. Enter a name for the application, such as MSALAndroidapp. Record the package name to be used in later steps. Change the language from Kotlin to Java. Set the Minimum SDK API level ...
Visual Studio 17.6+ includes an editor that simplifies the process of specifying app details, the target Android version, and required permissions in an Android manifest file. Generating the manifest All .NET MAUI app's have aMainActivityclass that derives fromActivity, via theMauiAppCompatActivity...
To be able to create an installable Android package (APK), you need to create a signing key first. In Android Studio go to "Build" => "Generate Signed Bundle & APK", select "APK", and follow the instructions. You will create a key storage and a project-specific key. Enter path and...
1. Apply for authorization to obtain the license URL and license key. Please refer to the License Guide. 2. Set the URL and key in the initialization code of the related business module to trigger license download to avoid downloading temporarily before use. For example, in our demo project...