To determine what is calling variant.getAssemble(), use -Pandroid.debug.obsoleteApi=true on the command line to display more informati on. variantName:Release new apk path is not valid outputVariantNames:Release processManifest outputVariantName:Release WARNING: This app only has 32-bit [armeabi...
- Found'release' but wasn'trequired. - Found org.gradle.api.attributes.Usage'java-runtime' but wasn'trequired. I read there was issues with sub modules and build types but then read it was fixed. You had to add the same build...
First of all, I faced this issue in Android Studio 4.2.2 and you do not need to downgrade the SDK build tool from 31 to 30 or change compile SDK version. The main problem is the two files missing in SDK build tool 31 that are: dx.bat dx.jar The solution is tha...
at org.gradle.internal.operations.DefaultBuildOperationExecutor$RunnableBuildOperationWorker.execute( at org.gradle.internal.operations.DefaultBuildOperationExecutor$RunnableBuildOperationWorker.execute( at org.gradle.internal.operations.Defau...
The Dex task is not available through the variant API anymore…. The API is still there but will throw an exception indicating how to fix this. Some of the pipeline changes create issues with the currently released Android Studio (up to 1.4.0) External libraries imports will not be resolved...
On older Android versions it is possible for other apps to read private storage. On modern Android devices the 'App Install Directory' is not secure as Android Studio allows inspection. The 'App Storage Directory' and 'App Cache Directory' are secure....
Separate cost. Having a great emulator that can cost you as much as your main development environment is not an option for most. The Visual Studio Emulator for Android comes with VS without additional charge. In short, we will address all of those pain points with the Visual Studio Emulator...
Originally posted on: the recent changes (release 0.7.3 around Dec 27), thenew Android B
Visual Studio Android 模拟器的传感器模拟和其他功能 A peek under the covers 当前的限制 北京时间今天(2014年11月12日)凌晨——.NET 开源……集成 Clang 和 LLVM,并且自带 Android 模拟器,这意味着 Visual Studio 这个当下最好没有之一的 IDE 正式支持编写 Android 和 iOS 程序。
Modifying variant outputs at build time may not work Using the Variant API to manipulate variant outputs is broken with the new plugin. It still works for simple tasks, such as changing the APK name during build time, as shown below: ...