它包括了两个很重要的子菜单AVD Manager【AVD(Android虚拟设备)管理工具】和SDK Manager【SDK管理工具】。 4.1 AVD(Android虚拟设备)管理工具使用 点击Configure然后点击AVD Manager,进入以下界面 这里需要弄明白虚拟设备的概念和意义: AVD: Android Virtual Device,是Android的虚拟设备(模拟器),使用模拟器进行调试,不用...
看起来一切so easy! 效果如下二图所示(图1 ECLIPSE,图2 Android Studio): 似乎一起都很容易,没有文章记录的必要;但是,需要编写多个android版本的app,就需要一个玩意儿了,SDK Manager 和 AVD--android模拟器。因为,不可能搞多台真机,每台安装一个android版本吧? 【2】管理SDK Manager与AVD 这是本文要记录的重点...
Select one or two SDK levels to work with for now. The SDK Manager will subsequently download the related files and make them available for use within Android Studio. Also under theToolsmenu is an option for the AVD Manager. AVD stands for Android Virtual Device. This is the emulator. The...
在Android Studio 中,单击运行 在选择部署目标窗口中,单击创建新虚拟设备。 在选择硬件屏幕中,从电话列表中选择电话设备,然后单击下一步。 在System Image屏幕中,选择 API 级别最高的版本,然后单击 Next。 在Android Virtual Device (AVD)屏幕上,保留所有设置,然后单击Finish。 返回Select Deployment Target对话框,选...
然后一路选择next或final ,OK,一个简单的应用就建好了。下面我们创建AVD(android手机模拟器) 点击Opens the Android Virtual Device Manager 点new,新建一个模拟器,这里我们选择android2.3.3 然后启动,这里改为5,主要是为了让模拟器小一些。 等待启动完毕后,把应用放进去吧,左键应用,run AS-》android application ...
Finish”, VisualGDB will create a new Android App project for you. If you have an Android phone or a tablet, you can enable USB debugging on it and connect it to your PC. If not, please start the Android simulator (AVD Manager) by selecting “Android->AVD Manager” in Visual Studio:...
开始一个新的Android Studio项目就很直观地明白该按钮的作用。 我们用得特别多的一个按钮就是Configure按钮。 它包括了两个很重要的子菜单AVD Manager【AVD(Android虚拟设备)管理工具】和SDK Manager【SDK管理工具】。 4.1 AVD(Android虚拟设备)管理工具使用 ...
This 15-minute tutorial shows you how to install Android Studio, which includes the Android SDK, and create an Android Virtual Device (AVD) on which you install an Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit (Oracle JET) hybrid mobile application during a later tutorial. The time to complete doesn’t ...
2. Setting up an Android Studio Development Environment 3. Creating an Example Android App in Android Studio 4. Creating an Android Virtual Device (AVD) in Android Studio 5. Using and Configuring the Android Studio AVD Emulator 6. A Tour of the Android Studio User Interface 7. Testing...
I created a project following along the tutorial here:https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/test-drive However target selector shows no devices and according to a linked article, I should enable it from the tools menu by selecting AVD manager. The issue is that tools menu does not have an...