移动端Android自带邮件应用绑定华为云企业邮箱绑定账号前,请确保已在邮箱个人设置-账号安全,生成客户端密码(可参考第三方客户端绑定专有密码生成)。下方以手机端Android系统为例,提供绑定华为云企业邮箱参考。 打开手机自带邮件app, 选择添加账户-其他,输入邮箱地址和 ...
open the HelloWorld project we created in Chapter 1. If this project is already open in Android Studio, you’re ready to go. Please refer to Figure 2-1 as we discuss the following navigation features.
This chapter covers how to write and generate code in Android Studio. Android Studio uses its knowledge of object-oriented programming to generate extremely relevant and well-formed code. Features covered in this chapter include overriding methods, surrounding statements with Java blocks, using templates...