private Context context; privatestaticfinalint sensorTypeD=Sensor.TYPE_STEP_DETECTOR; privatestaticfinalint sensorTypeC=Sensor.TYPE_STEP_COUNTER; public Pedometer() { } public Pedometer(Context context) { this.context = context; mSensorManager = (SensorManager) context.getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_...
Android计步(StepCounter芯片数据分析) 鉴于Android各大厂商使用的计步芯片参差不齐,我选取了部分手机的StepCounter计步芯片进行分析,统计结果如下: 选取了特定的测试机,不排除数据具有随机性。使用摇步器模拟走路,不排除厂商有特殊的反作弊策略。 结果分析 屏幕快照 2018-02-28 上午10.43.11.png 详细结果 OPPO R9 ...
说明:Sensor.TYPE_STEP_COUNTER的event中只含有一个float,其代表了已激活传感器最后一次重新启动以来用户迈出的步数 2、Android代码 主要是、activity_main.xml、AndroidManifest.xml 2.1;importandroid.annotation.SuppressLint;importandroid...
1.先下载计步demo TodayStepCounter 2.demo项目结构如下图: 由图可见todaystepcounterlib是计步模块封装好的Module,它对外提供的接口就是ISportStepInterface.aidl 3.如何接入: 查看对外接口ISportStepInterface.aidl如下代码: // ISportStepInterface.aidl package; interface ISportStepInterface...
Github TodayStepCounter 优化点 计步器可以根据需要记录多天步数。 增加根据时间返回步数列表接口。 修改Android4.4以下计步算法,开源算法。 增加使用文案。 1.计步器可以根据需要记录多天步数 第一版数据库中只保存的是当天的以时间分隔的步数。 由于后台Service不联网上传数据需要打开App进行上传。有很多用户晚上忘记上...
[Android.Runtime.Register("STRING_TYPE_STEP_COUNTER")] public const string StringTypeStepCounter; 欄位值 String 屬性 RegisterAttribute 備註 描述步驟計數器感應器的常數位符串。 的android.hardware.Sensor.STRING_TYPE_STEP_COUNTER JAVA 檔。 此頁面的部分是根據所建立和共用的工作進行修改,並根據 2.5 ...
Password vaildation is with a secure server (i.e. no passwords are built into the app). Any temporary refresh keys are saved in app private storage, and not in the app install directory. For private storage location do not use p4a's android.app_storage_path() API call as this location...
- Timer & Counter: Set precise timers and keep track of your game progress with the built-in counter. - Program Numbering: Easily assign program numbers to your games for quick access and organization. - Variable Ball Frequency: Adjust the ball release frequency to match your playing style. ...
My friends in StepUp disappeared. Help! How accurate is the step tracking? (Very accurate!) Will StepUp drain my battery? (NOT at all!) Which phones are supported by StepUp? How can I delete my StepUp account & data? Who built StepUp?
public interface IStepCounter { int Steps { get; set; } void InitSensorService(); void StopSensorService(); } Then, achieve it in the android platform.複製 [assembly: Dependency(typeof(StepCounter))] namespace GetStepCount.Droid { public class StepCounter : Java.Lang.Object, IStepCount...