After that, a detailed analysis of the speech recognition software based on Android system is made. Then, the design of speech recognition software is discussed in detail. Finally, the functional testing and verification of the speech recognition software based on Android system is carried out. ...
import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;/*** Sample code that invokes the speech recognition intent API.*/public class VoiceRecognition extends Activity implements OnClickListener {private static final intVOICE_RECOGNITION_REQUEST_CODE=1234;private ListView mList;/*** Called with the activit...
Android 实现语音识别的完整代码,
· 新的gesture API :创建,识别,读取,保存手势. 6、Text-to-speech · 新的android.speech.tts 包提供了TTS文本朗读功能,从一个文本生成一个声音文件的回放. 7、Graphics · 中的类,现在支持为不同的屏幕尺寸进行缩放. 8、Telephony · 新的SmsManager 发送和接受短信. 9、Utilities · 新的Di...
(at least) two speech recognition approaches. The first one is the Nuance SREC package which is included in the Android sources and hopefully in all Android devices. The second one is Google Voice Search. If you didn't install any voice recognition software chances are good your device will ...
6、Speech recognition framework · 支持语音识别库.7、Miscellaneous API additions · LocationManager -...
6. Speech recognition framework - 支持语音识别库 7. 其他API添加 - LocationManager:应用可以接收位置改变的信息 - WebView:支持触摸start/end/move/cancel DOM事件 - 重建了Sensor Manager APIs - GLSurfaceView:创建OpenGL应用更方便的框架 - 软件升级安装成功Broadcast Intent:提供更优化的软件升级...
·输入法服务framework ·文本预测引擎 ·提供具有下载能力的IME给使用者 5、Application-definedhardwarerequirements 应用可定义硬件需求,应用程序可以定义说明此程序需要什么硬件需求.比如是否需要物理键盘或者轨迹球. 6、Speechrecognitionframework ·支持语音识别库. 7、MiscellaneousAPIadditions...
ALIZÉ is a software platform for automatic speaker recognition. It can be used for carrying out research in this field, as well as for incorporating speaker recognition into applications. ALIZÉ for Android This repository hosts material to allow people to compile...
DroidSpeechdroidSpeech=newDroidSpeech(this,null);droidSpeech.setOnDroidSpeechListener(this); To start droid speech to listen to user voice call the methodstartDroidSpeechRecognition(), droidSpeech.startDroidSpeechRecognition(); To close droid speech operations call the methodcloseDroidSpeechOperations(),...