首先在网上下载好ADT插件包,可以在网盘上下载(http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qWspK7M),或者去这个网站上下(http://www.androiddevtools.cn/)。 下载好了后,打开Eclipse,选择菜单中的“Help”,然后选择“Install New Software…”,如下图所示: 在弹出的“Install”窗口中,单击“Add”按钮,如图所示: 然后会弹出一个...
接着我们从“http://androidappdocs-staging.appspot.com/sdk/index.html”下载Android开发软件包(Software Development Kit,SDK)(Android官网:“http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html”已被和谐,但读者日后可以访问http://androidappdocs-staging.appspot.com/sdk/index.html这个网站)。 读者根据所用的操作...
l Android SDK,即Android程序开发包(Software Development Kit),包含Android手机模拟器(Emulator)。最新版本都在官方网上http://developer./sdk/index.html 2.2安装流程 Android安装流程可以分为以后6个步骤: l 下载JDK; l 配置JDK; l 下载Eclipse; l 安装Eclipse; ...
Eclipse的版本有多个,这里选择下载Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers这个版本。 第三步:下载安装Android SDK 配置了JDK变量环境,安装好了Eclipse,这个时候如果只是开发普通的JAVA应用程序,那么Java的开发环境已经准备好了。我们要通过Eclipse来开发Android应用程序,那么我们需要下载Android SDK(Software Development Kit)和...
Android has taken the world by storm and is currently the most popular OS for phones. In order to simplify the app development process for their OS, Android offers the Android Software Development Kit (SDK). Within this set, developers can find the necessary software developing tools for creati...
Android Studio is a special version of IntelliJ IDEA that interfaces with the Android Software Development Kit (SDK) and the gradle build system. A typical Android app is comprised of activities, layouts, and resource files. Layouts describe what your app looks like. They’re held in the app...
Our knowledge and understanding of the Android Software Development Kit (SDK), Android Studio IDE, Linux, Java, APIs, SQLite database, Frameworks and our experience of working on diverse platforms and devices will enable us to deliver high quality and result driven mobile applications. Whatever is...
For comparison, when starting Android app development, you needed to install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), then the Eclipse IDE, the Android software development kit (SDK) Tools, and the Android Developer Tools (ADT) plugin.Creating a project...
Software development kit (SDK) ANDROIDDEVKIT-GINGERBREAD-AM35X-AM37X—Android GINGERBREAD 2.3.4 - Dev Kit for AM35x and AM37x (TI_ANDROID_GINGERBREAD_2_3_4_DEVKIT_2_1) Download options close Latest version open-in-new open-in-new ...