睡眠跟踪app专门为广大用户整理的,如果用户晚上睡觉的时候,经常性打鼾、磨牙,那么说明用户的身体出现了问题,这些问题虽然不是很大,但也容易对人体健康造成一定的危害,所以用户在知道自己晚上经常打鼾磨牙,那么需要注意自己的作息、饮食、以及体重了,只要保证身体处于健康状态,人才不会容易 睡眠追踪器app(sleep tracker) 下...
像 Pillow、Sleep Cycle、Sleep Better 这样的 App,你都需要在睡前主动打开它们,在睡眠时这些 App 也会不停地通过各种传感器获取相关的数据,用以分析你的睡眠状况:主流睡眠监测类 App 的使用逻辑 而AutoSleep 则是自己主动读取 iPhone 与 Apple Watch 协处理器里的数据 —— 这些数据在默认情况下系统会主动获取并...
H Band: The Smart and Healthy App for Your Fitness Tracker Do you want to monitor your steps, heart rate, sleep, and more with your fitness tracker? Do you want to see your data on your phone and set reminders for your daily routine? If you answered yes, then you need H Band, the...
plees-tracker vmiklos Plees Tracker is a simple sleep tracker for your Android phone. Tech Stack : Room, LiveData, ViewModel Last commit: 4 days ago 🌟 121 🍴 32 👁️ 7 apkupdater rumboalla APKUpdater is an open source tool that simplifies the process of finding updates for your in...
Google this week introduced a new Sleep API that will help developers build better sleep tracking apps. In response, the developer of Tasker wasted no time implementing the API into a new beta, allowing users to create a custom sleep tracker on Android....
, workouts, sleep, nutrition, and stress. On top of that, wearables are easier to handle and manage compared to bringing smartphones especially when you are out exercising. Setting up your tracker or smartwatch on your Android device can simplybe done in afew stepsusing the Fitbit app....
If you’re looking for an Android tracker app to see what they’re up to, nothing delivers like mSpy.
It allows receiving information on each app installed on your child's device; You are able to see what apps and when were opened; You can remotely block specific apps as well as create schedules when android network monitor FamiSafe will block such apps for you; ...
Sleep as Android: Sleep cycle tracker, smart alarm 相关文章 Tasker 同样老牌的 Tasker 近年来在 Android 新特性适配这件事情上也非常积极。最新版 Tasker 依然保留着大量「牛轧糖」时代的味道,但主界面配色方案却跟进了 Material You。 唯一要吐槽的是 Tasker 在动态颜色选取上似乎有些跳脱,同样一张壁纸,Sleep...
DNS over HTTPS / DNS over Tor / DNSCrypt client, WireGuard proxifier, firewall, and connection tracker for Android. - celzero/rethink-app