Everything works as expected but when I disable the permission from the settings, the app crashes. I couldn't figure out why the app is crashing when I disable the location permission from the settings. Below is what I get in logcat. FATAL EXCEPTION: GoogleApiHandler Process: com.android....
Creating a new Intent with Settings.ACTION_WIFI_ADD_NETWORKS and then passes that intent to startActivityForResult will result in crashing. Snack, code example, screenshot, or link to a repository val config = WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder() ...
App crashing only in Samsung devices after the android 12 updates. This is happening with Samsung devices only ( in other company devices it is
Frequently-used apps can crash Android, since the high rate of use gives them more chances to crash your system. Resetting app data wipes the app clean of login information, settings, and preferences, then restores it to its original state. If you notice a specific app crashing your Android ...
Look for Android System WebView (there should be a link from its settings page). Select Uninstall and hit Enable. Prevention Is Better Than Cure 16 Likes Reply tdr1995 Cosmic Ray Options 11-11-2022 12:17 PM in Galaxy S22 I don't know how you knew to try this, but it work...
I am watching a tutorial on youtube to make this app. Here is the link :Click here` My app is crashing on my main Activity which is my chat home screen. I have tired to rewrite the code but my problem is not solving. Please help!!
Delete unused apps or move them to the cloud or a microSD card. Thenclear your cacheby going toSettings > Apps > Clear Cache. If the app crashes Check that your phone and app have the latest updates. If the screen won’t respond ...
Always make your final build of the day a release build with all the correct release settings, that will give you some idea of where it has gone wrong from the previous release build if it does crash. Since you are using an old version of AppCompat, I would recommend upgrading...
Settings.Secure.ANR_SHOW_BACKGROUND,0) !=0;booleanisSilentANR;synchronized(mService) { ...// In case we come through here for the same app before completing// this one, mark as anring now so we will bail out.app.notResponding =true;//3.将anr写入event log中EventLog.writeEvent(Event...
8. Reset Factory Settings of this Device Restart the app The issues like YouTube keeps crashing are often get disappeared by just quitting and restarting the app. This is helpful to give a fresh start to the app and restarting will bring your device back to normal. Hence, the first resol...