有时,Gradle 配置也可能导致 SDK Unavailable 的问题。确保你的build.gradle文件没有错误。例如,下面是一个基本的build.gradle文件的示例: apply plugin:'com.android.application'android{compileSdkVersion30defaultConfig{applicationId"com.example.myapp"minSdkVersion21targetSdkVersion30versionCode1versionName"1.0"}}dep...
在设置窗口中选择“Appearance & Behavior” -> “System Settings” -> “Android SDK”。 确认你已经安装了SDK。如果未安装,你可以在此窗口中选择需要的SDK组件并点击“Apply”进行安装。 步骤2:配置Android Studio的SDK路径 如果SDK已经安装,但仍然提示“SDK Unavailable”,你可能需要手动配置SDK路径。 在“Android...
删除C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Roaming\Google里面的AndroidStudio2023.1 ;consentOptions两个文件 __EOF__
SDK Version Change History Beta Service Description Success Stories Build Services Grow Services Getting Started Android Getting Started with Android Supporting Multiple Flavors iOS Getting Started with iOS Web Getting Started with Web HarmonyOS Getting Started with HarmonyOS (Java) ...
1) Install Google map APIs. This can be done in Eclispe Windows/Android SDK and AVD Manager -> Available Packages -> Third Party Add-ons -> Google Inc. -> Google APIs by Google Inc., Android API X 2) From command line create new AVD. This can be done by listing targets (android ...
See which devices are connected, offline/unavailable (indicating a weak USB connection), unauthorized or unplugged See who's using a device Search devices by phone number, IMEI, ICCID, Android version, operator, product name, group name and/or many other attributes with easy but powerful queries...
UserPresenceUnavailableException ClassReference Feedback DefinitionNamespace: Android.Security.Keystore Assembly: Mono.Android.dll Indicates the condition that a proof of user-presence was requested but this proof was not presented.C# 复制 [Android.Runtime.Register("android/security/...
Below Android 8.0 The Company Portal app will be unavailable to download from Google Play. Devices that already have the Company Portal installed won't be able to update to new versions of the Company Portal. MAM functionality won't be universally blocked. However, as SDK-integrated apps ship...
login SDK 登录。 checkLogin 检查SDK 是否已登录。 logout SDK 退出登录。 登录示例代码 TCCCTypeDef.TCCCLoginParams loginParams = new TCCCTypeDef.TCCCLoginParams(); /// 登录的坐席ID,通常为邮箱地址 loginParams.userId = ""; /// 登录票据,在登录模式为Agent必填。更多详情请...
解决Android SDK unavileable问题的步骤 1. 确认Android SDK是否安装正确 首先,确保Android SDK已经正确安装在开发环境中。 可以通过在命令行中执行android --version命令来验证Android SDK是否安装成功。 2. 检查环境变量配置 确认环境变量ANDROID_HOME是否正确配置。