Now, in the SDK directory, a brand-new Tools folder will be created. Also Find:Best Android Studio Plugins Way 2: Check the necessary storage space Another reason for the “SDK emulator directory is missing in the Android Studio” error might beinsufficient storage space. The Android SDK too...
Tools Folder Missing Check SDK Path Solutions Found Set Environment Variables Verify Configuration Configuring Android SDK Environment 7. 甘特图(Gantt Chart) 我们也可以用mermaid语法表示这个过程的时间安排: 2023-10-012023-10-012023-10-012023-10-012023-10-022023-10-022023-10-022023-10-022023-10-032023-...
Could notfindfolder'tools'inSDK'/Users/mac/android-sdks/'. 1. 这个报错信息指示 Android Studio 在指定的 SDK 路径下找不到名为 ‘tools’ 的文件夹。 解决方法 该问题的解决方法是更新 Android SDK 中的工具包。下面的步骤将指导你如何在 Android Studio 中更新 SDK。 打开Android Studio,点击顶部菜单栏...
3.specify config folder or installation home of the previous version of Studio 指定配置文件夹或者安装的先前版本的工作室 4.I do not have a previous version of Studio or I do not want to import my settings 我没有前一个版本的工作室或我不想导入设置 ...
Try downloading: then extract and copy tools folder to C:\Users%User%\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk 👍 1 Ataide commented Mar 7, 2020 This worked for me: open Android Studio's SDK Manager go to the Android SDK tab...
This is after installing Android Studio 3.0 and higher. I see that C:\Users\Ram\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator has same thing as C:\Users\Ram\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools But tools folder is missing some files, so remove tools folder from path. ...
What am I missing? What is VS actually looking for in this SDK folder? All replies (7) Friday, July 14, 2017 10:19 PM @Martin.Jacobi: Try this link to install ...
实际上文件存在于HOME/.android/avd目录下,但看样子如果设置了ANDROID_SDK_HOME 环境变量,Android Studio 在ANDROIDSDKHOME/.android/avd下找不到模拟器文件将直接报错,而不会再去找HOME 目录下的文件。 解决方案: 添加ANDROIDAVDHOME环境变量,值为HOME/.android/avd 的展开全路径。