然后访问https://developer.android.com/studio/archive,下载对应系统的Android Studio 3.6.3,2020 年 4 月 17 日 然后正常安装,最开始还会提示"Unable to access Android SDK add-on list",点击cancel即可,在进入后可正常安装sdk 在安装过程中又提示"HAXM installation failed.",HAXM是一种硬件辅助虚拟化引擎 如...
On Android Studio open SDK Manager. Go to SDK Tools tab. Check if Android SDK Command-line Tools is checked. If not, check and apply the changes. For some reason, after updating flutter and Android Studio, I got this error too. Seems like some new requirement that for some reason wasn'...
android-sdks/build-tools/17.0.0/aapt: error while loading shared libraries: libz.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 我使用的是 64 位机器,我需要安装一些 32 位驱动程序, 所以我尝试安装: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs Reading Package Lists... Done Building Depen...
大作业需接入百度地图SDK,用androidstudio自带的模拟器 pixel xl api29出现p1异常信息。 换用api33版本,还没开始就崩溃了,如p2。 需要授予的权限静态动态应该都授予了,SHA1也没填错。 周围没有安卓设备,想过试试接入第三方模拟器但是monitor.exe又出现了错误,要解决看起来挺麻烦的。 已经被这个问题困扰了好几天...
Canceling Installation Obtaining Task Execution Status Obtaining the List of Installed Features Dynamically Loading Language Packages Testing Your App SDK Data Security Releasing an App Restrictions FAQs Technical Support Connect API Service Introduction Getting Started Publishing API Version...
If an invalid user ID is provided and the user sets theCustomUserID, the invalid user ID is ignored. 注意 CustomUserIDhas no format restrictions. Log Level The level of logging to show in the device's Logcat stream. By default, the SDK logs nothing. ...
Using the debugging device terminal where Android Studio and the Android SDK is installed (Mac/Windows), enter the command: Console adb connect <TEST DEVICE IP ADDRESS>:58526 The<TEST DEVICE IP ADDRESS>can be found in the output of "ipconfig" from the test device. You can also deploy and...
Describe the bug sdkmanager is missing from Android SDK - It's needed to install different version of CMake Virtual environments affected macOS 10.14 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Windows Server 2016 R2 Windows Server 2019 Expected b...
我正在尝试在 Windows 7 x64 系统上安装 Android SDK。已安装jdk-6u23-windows-x64.exe ,但 Android SDK 安装程序拒绝继续,因为它找不到 JDK 安装。 这是一个已知的问题?有解决方案吗? java android sdk windows-7-x64 jdk6 答案收到通知后按返回 ,然后按 “ 下一步” 。这次它会找到JDK。