安装向导将会更新您当前的android sdk安装(如果必要的话)或安装新版本 10.an existing android sdk was detected.the setup wizard will only download missing or outdated sdk components 发现现有的android sdk。安装向导只会下载缺失或过时的sdk组件 11.A preconfigured and optimized Android Virtual Device for app...
Android SDK, free download for Windows. A set of tools and libraries for building and testing Android apps on Windows-based computers.
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下载网址http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html,选择Windows的平台的下载。当前最新版为android-sdk_r16-windows.zip,大约22-33M不等。解压就可以。 有可能你的目录内多一个AVD Manager.exe 文件,事实上你不用管它,他是Android 虚拟磁盘!下文的第六大步骤会有介绍~! 二,设置开发环境 (1)下载和配置 SDK...
AndroidSdk安装 Android Sdk环境变量配置 参考:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_21454973/article/details/80429545 一:Android Sdk安装 下载Android SDK(Software Development Kit) Google Android的官网上下载(http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html),为了节省时间,我就选择了这个网址 ...
Build.VERSION.SDK_INT33 Build.BOARDWindows 系統 重新導向至 Windows 應用程式 Windows Subsystem for Android™️️ 會自動將檔案和常見 URI 配置的意圖重新導向至對應的 Windows 預設檔案/通訊協定處理常式 (如果多個意圖篩選條件相符,使用者會在選擇器對話方塊中看到 [Windows 預設應用程式] 選項)。 支援的...
首先,下载Android SDK Tools,翻过墙的朋友可以去Google Android的官网上下载(http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html)。不愿意翻墙的朋友,可以去我的bd网盘上下载(http://pan.baidu.com/s/1nt8BcBB),或者去这个网站下载(http://www.androiddevtools.cn/)。下面介绍一下在这个网站上下载的情况,首先打开ht...
Download Android SDK Free. Android SDK is the operating system by Google for mobiles and tablets. Download this free development kit and start creating applications for this system. It has been quite some time since Google started developing other applic
Android SDK, free and safe download. Android SDK latest version: Free development tool for Android apps. Android SDK is a free and specialized program
Android SDK Download: Android SDK Download Android Studio: You are advised to integrate the HMS Core SDK via t……