将下载的build-tools文件夹放置到正确的SDK路径下。 重启Android Studio,以便它能够识别新安装的build-tools组件。 验证build-tools组件是否正确安装并可以正常使用: 在Android Studio中,重新打开你的项目。 尝试构建项目,查看是否还会出现“android sdk build-tools component is not found”的错误。 如果构建成功,说明...
一直提示 Please configure Android SDK 这是在一次电脑断电后出现的,试了一些方法,更新 Android Studio,将 SDK Platforms 删除了重新下,都不行,后来发现 Build Tools 可以更新,更新完后就好了。 More than one file was found with OS independent path 比如,在 netty-buffer-4.1.5.Final.jar 与 netty-common-...
由于众所周知的某些原因,我们无法直接连接android sdk的更新服务更新sdk,所以可以通过国内的ftp站点把常用的sdk组件如android platform-tools、samples、build-tools、system image等直接下载添加到官网的sdk中再使用。 最近在用的一个ftp站点: http://mirrors.neusoft.edu.cn/android/repository/ 当然也可以使用vpn后直接...
new Node(parsedXml.component[1], 'orderEntry', ['type': 'jdk', 'jdkName': "Android API 25 Platform", 'jdkType': 'Android SDK']) def writer = new StringWriter() new XmlNodePrinter(new PrintWriter(writer)).print(parsedXml) imlFile.text = writer.toString() } catch (FileNotFoundExcepti...
ANDROID_SDK_ROOT ANDROID_SDK_HOME ANDROID_HOME ANDROID_SDKIf nothing is found, the plugin will search on the PATH to attempt to locate a usable set of SDK tools. If, after all these steps, the required Android SDK tools are not found and auto-installation is disabled, the build will be...
On top of standard Appium requirements UiAutomator2 driver also expects the following prerequisites: Windows, Linux and macOS are supported as hosts Android SDK Platform toolsmust be installed.Android Studio IDEalso provides a convenient UI to install and manage the tools. ...
昨天在改代码的时候就发现在按键盘的D键进行输入的时候VS会像抽风一样。本来以为是Visual Assist X插件...
2)buildToolsVersion 3)minSdkVersion 4)targetSdkVersion 将上面四个的内容与app文件夹下的build.gradle中信息相一致,然后点击右上角Try again,此时错误小时。如下图 2.3打开File->Project Structure,选择左侧的app,然后选择里面的Dependencies,点击+号,选择第三个Moudle dependency,选择 ...
Rename it to "aapt2.ex_" and you will see that when you try to compile a project it doesn't look in "android-sdk\build-tools". Expected Behavior Try to search for "aapt2.exe" in the "android-sdk\build-tools" directoryfirst!
] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 29.0.3) • Android SDK at C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk • Android NDK location not configured (optional; useful for native profiling support) • Platform android-29, build-tools 29.0.3 • Jav...