Screen projection 适用于 Android 设备 安装 举报应用 关于Screen projection 大小 34.5 MB 更新时间 2022-12-01 版本 v1.0.196 Build 1 使用反馈 向该应用的开发者提交您在使用过程中遇到的问题或对应用的建议,帮助他们做的更好。 反馈 蒲公英|举报
Simpel Steps to Screen Mirroring Android to PC:1. Download and Install: Visit the iMyFone website and download the MirrorTo app on your computer.2. Connect your phone to your PC using a USB cable (USB connection is recommended for the first-time setup).3. On your Android, ...
DLNA_JNI: Enter Java_com_huawei_android_multiscreen_dlna_sdk_jni_DlnaUniswitch_dlnaApiSetDmcAutoBrowseDisable DLNA_JNI: Enter CheckPermissoin uid_t 1000 DLNA_JNI: Leave Java_com_huawei_android_multiscreen_dlna_sdk_jni_DlnaUniswitch_dlnaApiSetDmcAutoBrowseDisable DLNA_JNI: Enter CheckPermissoin uid_...
= 0) { if (!canProjectVideo(projection)) { throw new SecurityException("Requires CAPTURE_VIDEO_OUTPUT or " + "CAPTURE_SECURE_VIDEO_OUTPUT permission, or an appropriate " + "MediaProjection token in order to create a screen sharing virtual " + "display."); } } if ((flags & VIRTUAL_DISP...
Android 11 Projector screen LCD full hd android portable home theater Video hy320 4k 10000 lumens 1080p smart projector, You can get more details about Android 11 Projector screen LCD full hd android portable home theater Video hy320 4k 10000 lumens 1080
Media.Projection Assembly: Mono.Android.dll Creates a VirtualDisplay to capture the contents of the screen. [Android.Runtime.Register("createVirtualDisplay", "(Ljava/lang/String;IIIILandroid/view/Surface;Landroid/hardware/display/VirtualDisplay$Callback;Landroid/os/Handler;)Landroid/hardware/...
projection: screenshot projection, default is None which means using self.projection Returns: jpg data """params, display_info = self._get_params(projection)ifself.display_id: raw_data = self.adb.raw_shell( self.CMD +" -d "+str(self.display_id) +" -n 'airtest_minicap' -P %dx%d@...
PC上网正常但是无法投屏 PC上网正常但是无法投屏 PC上网正常但是无法投屏现象描述PC与大屏/投影仪接入同一个WIFI,PC上网正常但无法投射PC上的内容。 处理步骤 以租户帐号登录华为乾坤控制台,选择“资源中心 > 站点管理”,单击待配置站点(假设为Site1)“操作列”的。 在左侧导航中单击“无线配置”。在“SSID”...
val height=defaultDisplay.height//录屏存放目录val fname=if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT>=Build.VERSION_CODES.O){getCurrentTime()+".mp4"}else{"screen.mp4"}val filename=it.externalMediaDirs[0].absolutePath+"/"+fname Log.i("video",filename)if(isSaveFile){mMuxer=MediaMuxer(filename,MediaMuxe...