首先创建一个Activity_download的android项目,在src中一共有三个文件,分别是 a、ivity_download.java(它是一个activity,在此中得到一个下载lrc文件的按钮和一个下载mp3文件的按钮,并为此些按钮添加监听器,在监听器的方法中调用下载类,并传入要下载文件的网络地址,如: AI检测...
向社区中最简单,最干净的ROM之一问好,Pixel Experience ROM。它源自Google在其Pixel设备上的库存ROM,可立即提供Pixel功能。与列表中的其他ROM完全不同,顾名思义,这种出色的ROM诞生的主要目的是提供稳定且安全的类似Pixel的体验,而不是着重于可定制性领域。 尽管Pixel Experience ROM拥有您可能期望的一些基本调整,但定制...
http://bbs.coloros.com/forum.php?mod=phones&code=download 进去找到自己的机型。然后下载刷机包到电脑 第二步:刷机方法 oppo的http://bbs.coloros.com/find7-69458-1-1.html vivo的http://bbs.vivo.com.cn/thread-1644140-1-1.html 华为的http://www.muzisoft.com/shuaji/93457.html 第三步 OTG+U...
The Nokia 6.1 Plus gets unofficial Android 11 through the Potato Open Sauce Project (POSP) custom ROM. This ROM needs a custom vendor implementation, so make sure to download and flash the latest image from theCommunity Vendor projectfor this device beforehand. POSP 4.0.0 based on Android 11 ...
October 8, 2023 Rom Read MoreDownload Pixel Experience 13 Rom 1234…124 Next Join The Custom Rom is all About Official and Unofficial Android 10,11,12,13,14 Custom Roms, Firmware Updates, Stock Firmware, Kernels, Guides, Mods, News, and Much More in One Place. ...
Step 1- Navigate to the download page of this website to download the Magisk APK file for Phoenix OS. Step 2- Create a new folder in the main storage of your device and rename it as Magisk. Step 3- Move the downloaded Zipped Magisk APK files to the renamed Magisk APK folder. ...
Wi-Fi display is available for newer Qualcomm devices, on a device-by-device basis. WebView has been updated to Chromium 89.0.4389.105. The Recorder app has been vastly improved in more ways than can be counted, go leave yourself a voice-memo so you don’t forget that great idea!
android手机rootROM下载地址 https://download.mokeedev.com/ https://download.lineageos.org/ 看完打开支付宝扫一扫领个红包吧!
There are literally thousands of Android devices, which means we can't test on every single one of them. As a general rule, if your device has Android OS 8.0 (or higher), has 3GB (or more) of RAM, and is Google certified and unrooted, you should be able to download and install the...
You should use a ROM that doesn't ship with SuperSU preinstalled. Q4. When I run a process that requires Su, it stalls for a while. Then get "Permission denied" after about 20 seconds Go to Magisk Manager, then install the "ADB & Fastboot for Android NDK" module, and then reboot. ...