窗口从最初创建到显示在屏幕上会有五个mDrawState状态的变迁,分别为:NO_SURFACE、DRAWING_PENDING、COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING、READY_TO_SHOW、HAS_DRAWN;结合代码实现来一起看一下: 1.NO_SURFACE 当一个窗口刚刚被WMS执行addWindow()方法创建的时候,WindowStateAnimator在WindowState的构造函数中一起被创建,在relayoutWindo...
COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING:app完成Surface的绘制,调用finishDrawing,将mDrawState设置为该状态。 READY_TO_SHOW:在performSurfacePlacement过程中会将所有处于COMMIT_DRAW_PENDING状态的mDrawState变更为READY_TO_SHOW。 HAS_DRAW:若准备显示窗口,WMS执行performShowLocked,将mDrawState设置为该状态 5.移除流程简述 窗口移除从App...
mWin.mGivenInsetsPending (4) mIsImeLayoutDrawn = true (5) 调用isReadyToShowIme()函数,判断两个target的内容(目标窗口的target和请求的target) ---》 setImeShowing(true) 设置输入法可显示 (和isImeShowing()成对,用于外部获取) 3.2.1. 序列图 4. 输入法常见问题小结 4.1. 配置默认输入法 4.1.1. ...
标记 用户可以在地图的指定位置添加标记以标识位置、商家、建筑等,并可以通过信息窗口展示详细信息。 添加标记 使用默认图标在地图上添……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
修改status_t BootAnimation::readyToRun()方法来根据mShutdown值加载动画文件,如 status_t BootAnimation::readyToRun() { ……… mAndroidAnimation = false; if (!mShutdown) { status_t err = mZip.open("/data/local/bootanimation.zip"); if (err != NO_ERROR) { err = mZip.open("/system/med...
我们用第三种方式,很容易的在JS 调用 ShowUI adbdev.mojom interface PageHandler { // Notify the backend that the UI is ready to be shown. ShowUI(); }; Controller voidAdbdevPageHandler::ShowUI(){autoembedder=adbdev_ui_->embedder();if(embedder){embedder->ShowUI();}} ...
We don't want to check the show when locked window directly though as // things aren't stable while the display is frozen, for example the window could be // momentarily unavailable due to activity relaunch. ProtoLog.v(WM_DEBUG_ORIENTATION, "Display id=%d is frozen while keyguard locked...
Between these two methods you can maintain resources that are needed to show the activity to the user. For example, you can register a android.content.BroadcastReceiver in onStart() to monitor for changes that impact your UI, and unregister it in onStop() when the user no longer sees ...
Note that this method should only be used with Intent protocols that are defined to return a result. In other protocols (such as Intent#ACTION_MAIN or Intent#ACTION_VIEW), you may not get the result when you expect. For example, if the activity you are launching uses Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY...
Android app to show data from the FreeStyle Libre CGM and upload it to Tidepool - DorianScholz/OpenLibre