home_screen:将widget添加到桌面,keyguard:widget可以被添加到锁屏界面。 android:initialKeyguardLayout : 加载到锁屏界面时对应的布局文件 --> </appwidget-provider> 属性的注释在上面写的很清楚了,这里需要说两点。 关于宽度和高度的数值定义是很有讲究的,在桌面其实是按照“格子”排列的。 看 Google 给的图。上...
Another helpful feature is the ability to add a website shortcut to the home screen on Android. This is helpful if you don’t need the extra functionality offered by full apps. For example, you might just need to check yourPayPal balancewithout the need to install the app. You can add ...
settingsusage: settings [--user NUM] get namespace key settings [--user NUM] put namespace key value'namespace' is one of {system, secure, global}, case-insensitiveIf '--user NUM' is not given, the operations are performed on the owner user.1 1 获取值settings...
to your liking. Now there are a lot of things you can do here before applying the widget but this isn’t a KWGT guide so we’ll have to skip that for now. Just tap the save icon at the top when you’re done and exit the app. Your selected widget will be on your home screen....
Long-press on the app you no longer want to keep in the Favorites Tray. Move it to another place on the home page, or move it up until you see the Remove and Uninstall choices at the top of the screen. Choose one and move the app there. ...
The visible lifetime of an activity happens between a call to android.app.Activity#onStart until a corresponding call to android.app.Activity#onStop. During this time the user can see the activity on-screen, though it may not be in the foreground and interacting with the user. Between these...
android:name="android.appwidget.provider" android:resource="@xml/weather_widget_info"/> </receiver> <receiver> 元素需要 android:name 属性,该属性指定小部件使用的 AppWidgetProvider(AppWidgetProvider的父类就是BroadcastReceiver)。 <intent-filter> 中的 <action> 元素指定小部件接受 ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDAT...
back按键的屏蔽可以通过重写onKeyDown方法拦截,这也是最容易实现的。 2、resentApp(摘自:http://www.cnblogs.com/hitnoah/p/5365336.html) Step 1 Add this permission to themanifest.xmlfile Step 2 Put this code in anyActivityon which you want toblock/disable the recent apps button ...
| Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_TASK_ON_HOME | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); try { context.startActivityAsUser(intent, opts, new UserHandle(UserHandle.USER_CURRENT)); }...} 在上面的代码里面,有个判断ad.taskId >= 0,如果满足这个条件,就通过moveTaskToFront唤起APP,那么ad.taskId是如何获取的?recent包里...