The process below is the Solo process, meaning you're the one in charge of building, then submitting your app to Google Play store. If you'd rather our team to
Submitting an app to the Google Play Store Now that a release AAB/APK has been generated, a Play Store listing can be written and the AAB/APK can be uploaded. To start, visit theGoogle Play Store Developer Consoleand create a new developer account. ...
Build.VERSION.SDK_INT常量代表了Android设备的版本号。版本号清单—— 小结中demo小例子用的是ActivityOptions类来定制该如何启动activity,调用makeClipRevealAnimation(...)让CheatActivity出现时带动画效果,这是 Android SDK API 23级才加入...
游戏模式也是一直以来更新呼声很高功能之一,在 Android 12 DP2 中,我们似乎看到了其属于原生 Android 的游戏模式即将到来。 虽然在 DP2 之中尚未正式加入,但 9to5Google 团队已经从 DP2 中成功启用了一个尚处于开发早期的「游戏仪表盘」(game dashboard)的功能,其中包括了一些与游戏优化相关的功能。 图:9to5Goog...
不过,我们可以期待的是,这个新的搜索工具可以通过设置来供用户自定义搜索结果内容来源:包括应用程序、应用快捷方式、设置选项、联系人以及 Play Store 中的内容。 大屏设备适配 不少人都觉得 Android 平板快没戏的同时,三星依然在乐此不疲地更新自家 Galaxy 平板设备 —— 现在看来这种自信可能是有依据的。
不过,我们可以期待的是,这个新的搜索工具可以通过设置来供用户自定义搜索结果内容来源:包括应用程序、应用快捷方式、设置选项、联系人以及 Play Store 中的内容。 大屏设备适配 不少人都觉得 Android 平板快没戏的同时,三星依然在乐此不疲地更新自家 Galaxy 平板设备 —— 现在看来这种自信可能是有依据的。
You can find out the percentage of devices running particular versions here: Activities and layouts from 50,000 feet The next thing you’ll be prompted to do is add an activity to your project. Every Android app is a collection of...
(IoT) devices. If your business is in the automotive industry, you could develop a car dashboard app. This app could let users play music from Android devices, navigate by using Google Maps and ask questions in Google Search. Writing the app in Android enables you to create an app that ...
Prepare your Google Play build Google Play considers the in-app update code as malicious behavior even if it isn’t used at runtime. Use a variant of the Distribute SDK as directed in this section or completely remove the Distribute SDK that contains in-app update code before submitting your...