SDK Platform Tools orADB Toolsis a very powerful software that lets you run or executeADB and Fastboot commands, Sideload APK files, Flash zip files, Unlock Bootloader, Flashing recovery images, etc. This tool is a gem for android developers who likes Tweaking the Android operating system with ...
Fully multi platform and tested on windows, Linux and Mac OS. Please let me know if your OS does not work. It will Also store the Android platform tools locally and check it exists at runtime so it does not download each time.
You can download ADB, Fastboot from this page. We have the latest Android SDK Platform Tools to download offline for Android development.
Download Android SDK Platform Tools 35.0.1 for Linux - The must-have software components for the Android SDK required to take your Android development work to the next level
Download the Android SDK Platform-tools zip containing the Android ADB and fastboot drivers for Windows, Mac, and Linux. init 7年前 init 7年前 init 7年前 init 7年前 init 7年前 init ...
Download Android SDK Platform Tools R35.0.2 for Mac - A comprehensive package that comes with all the tools and APIs necessary to begin developing applications for the Android platform
platform-tools是一款安卓调试工具包。platform-tools里面包括了adb、fastboot、etc1tool等常用调试工具,你可以利用它们将安卓系统在其他设备上调试或者刷机、解锁等操作,十分实用。 platform-tools功能介绍: platform-tools包含开发app的平台依赖的开发和调试工具,包括 adb、fastboot等 ...
platform-tools : 下载地址: 已获取的链接: build-tools : 已获取的链接: ...
Android SDK Platform-Tools 软件大小:1.17GB 应用平台:windows 软件类型:系统工具 收藏工具