我们编写一个程序验证一下其功能,首先新建一个程工,并设置默许按键式模为 DEFAULT_KEYS_SHORTCUT packagecom.silenceburn; importandroid.app.Activity; importandroid.os.Bundle; publicclassMenuShortCutTesterextendsActivity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override publicvoidonCreate(Bundl...
我们编写一个程序验证一下其功能,首先新建一个工程,并设置默认按键模式为 DEFAULT_KEYS_SHORTCUT [java]view plaincopy packagecom.silenceburn; importandroid.app.Activity; importandroid.os.Bundle; publicclassMenuShortCutTesterextendsActivity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ @Override pu...
按钮快捷键 Back Ctrl+Backspace Battery Ctrl+Shift+B Cellular Ctrl+Shift+C D-pad Ctrl+Shift+D Enter zoom mode Ctrl+Z Fingerprint Ctrl+Shift+F Help F1 Home Ctrl+H Location Ctrl+Shift+L Menu Ctrl+M Over view Ctrl+O 分类: React Native 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 universe-cosmo...
2. Shortcut to Find Text on a Web Page on Any Mobile Browser Say goodbye to scrolling endlessly through web pages only to find that single line of text. Because with the Control + F command, this can be done pretty quickly. Here’s how to do it. Note: The steps for using the Co...
"Backup" and "SOS Alarm" send the phone back to the main Settings menu. Included by default in Subsystem. Accessed by creating a Windows shortcut with this path: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\WindowsApps\MicrosoftCorporationII.WindowsSubsystemForAndroid_8wekyb3d8bbwe\WsaClient.exe /launch wsa://...
An abstract service that should be implemented by any apps which either: <ol> <li>Can make phone calls (VoIP or otherwise) and want those calls to be integrated into the built-in phone app.
Full size key pitch and shortcut keys for ease of operation.Superior durability (No moving component inside).Built-in Lithium-ion Polymer rechargeable battery for mobility and convenienceCompatible with latest operating systems: for Windows XP & later, for Windows Phone 7 & later, for iOS4 and ...
This service is implemented by an app that wishes to provide functionality for managing phone calls. Becoming the Default Phone App The default dialer/phone app is one which provides the in-call user interface while the device is in a call. It also provides the user with a means to initiate...
Android S上 handleKeyGesture() 新增改变处理长按、连击、灭屏等事件,优先处理组合按键功能KeyCombinationManager,继续查看interceptKeyBeforeQueueing()代码,发现PhoneWindowManager.java中有power键处理interceptPowerKeyDown()、interceptPowerKeyUp(),亮屏处理就是在interceptPowerKeyDown()中: mPowerKeyWakeLock.acquire(...
OnKeyShortcut(Keycode, KeyEvent) Called on the focused view when a key shortcut event is not handled. OnKeyUp(Keycode, KeyEvent) Default implementation of KeyEvent.Callback#onKeyUp(int, KeyEvent) KeyEvent.Callback.onKeyUp(): perform clicking of the view when KeyEvent#KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER, ...