}catch(RemoteException exc) { Log.w(TAG,"Unable to save auto-rotate setting"); } } }); } 因为直接用RotationPolicy中public的setRotationLock(Context, final boolean)只能锁定当前已经旋转的屏幕,所以不如直接仿照这个private的 setRotationLock(final boolean, final int)去呼叫 importandroid.view.IWindowMana...
Android强制设置屏幕旋转⽅向Forcerotation 第⼀种⽅法:⾸先检查有没有权限,没有就去申请。申请时会触发 frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/AlertWindowNotification.java⾥⾯ 弹出可以覆盖view的权限窗⼝。检查和处理的code如下:if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_...
app requesting portrait will cause a counter-clockwise rotation.Settingtruehere reverses that logic.--><!--cczheng addforland scap--><bool name="config_reverseDefaultRotation">true</bool><!--Thenumber of degreestorotate the display when the keyboard isopen.Avalue of-1means no change in orient...
private void updateRotatedViews() { //cczheng change rot0 rot90 for landscape mRotatedViews[Surface.ROTATION_0] = mRotatedViews[Surface.ROTATION_180] = findViewById(R.id.rot90); // mRotatedViews[Surface.ROTATION_180] = findViewById(R.id.rot0); mRotatedViews[Surface.ROTATION_270] = ...
Setting true here reverses that logic. --> <!-- cczheng add for land scap --> <bool name="config_reverseDefaultRotation">true</bool> <!-- The number of degrees to rotate the display when the keyboard is open. A value of -1 means no change in orientation by default. --> <!-...
app requesting portrait will cause a counter-clockwise rotation. Setting true here reverses that logic. --> <!-- cczheng add for land scap --> <bool name="config_reverseDefaultRotation">true</bool> <!-- The number of degrees to rotate the display when the keyboard is open. ...
Allows calibration of the device's orientation sensors to properly determine device orientation (older devices only). When device is rotated / Auto rotate This setting controls whether the screen will automatically rotate between portrait (vertical) and landscape (horizontal) layouts.More...
The auto-rotate feature on Android automatically switches screen orientation based on how you hold your phone. This can be good for quickly switching from portrait to landscape mode, perhaps to watch a YouTube video in full-screen. However, if you then go to Twitter and accidentally tilt your...
frameworks/base/packages/Systemui/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/Qui ckSettingsModel.java 在方法 onRotationLockStateChanged 中做如下修改,注释掉红色矩 形框的内容。 添加 强制的设置图标固定显示“旋转屏幕图标” mRotationLockState.iconId = R.drawable.ic_qs_auto_rotate; ...
android手机操作系统中英文对照 android⼿机操作系统中英⽂对照