要修复android上的phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner问题,可以按照以下步骤进行: 1. 确定问题:首先,需要确定具体的问题是什么。可能的问题包括无法识别条形码、闪退、...
具体的配置过程就完成了,接下来需要通过JS来使用了,在assets文件中有个www文件夹(没有的创建一下),将phone-x.x.x.js和 下载下来的文件夹中的barcodescanner.js引入到www文件夹中,实际上下载下来的这个barcodescanner.js是用不了的,我把我的这个JS文件贴到这里,可以复制之后然后自己新建一个barcodescanner.js bar...
Barcode Scanner allows you to scan barcodes on products using your phone's camera. It's very easy to use - you just hold the lens over the product so that the barcode fits within the rectangle on screen. You'll see some yellow dots move across the red line while it's scanning. After...
PhoneGap插件AndroidBarcode Scanner精简版是本文要介绍的内容,主要是来了解PhoneGap插件的使用,phonegapplugins里的barcode scanner,用的是ZXing。结果android版竟然要安装apk才能用,一看,这货直接Intent的…无法,从ZXing拉了源码下来自己整合,结果在浩瀚的java文件中哭了(T_T)。于是找了篇精简教程,照着画了下葫芦,然...
Pic2shop is a free barcode & QR scanner and comparison shopping app for iOS and Android. It is fast, easy to use, independent, and respects your privacy.
Friends also have the ability to transfer contact information bu pointing their phone at a user’s screen. Does Barcode Scanner for Android Send Contacts Messages? The creators of the app are committed to protecting the privacy of users and keeping their contact information safe. contacts will ...
phonegap plugin add https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner.git Optional variables: This plugin requires the Android support library v4. The minimum version is24.1.0. Default value is27.+. Check out the latest versionhere. ...
Can you scan barcodes in different orientations, such as upside down and sideways? Flip the phone upside down to see how the scanner performs. Can you scan barcodes with reflections and glare? Can you scan barcodes at a distance? Are you able to zoom in if needed?
case Barcode.PHONE: Log.i(TAG, code.phone.number); break; case Barcode.PRODUCT: Log.i(TAG, code.rawValue); break; case Barcode.SMS: Log.i(TAG, code.sms.message); break; case Barcode.TEXT: Log.i(TAG, code.displayValue); break; ...
The sample demonstrates how to create an Android barcode scanner with Dynamsoft Android barcode SDK. What You Should Know Getting Started Build the project. Run the app on Android Emulator or Android Phone. Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNOAMCsCi-I Google Play Download https://play....