Android Voice Recorder: Android phones have many options that make them popular with the users, and one of the mostly used ones is the android voice recorder. The very name of the feature speaks for itself, as it allows you to record audio with your phone. This comes in handy if you ...
在AndroidManifest.xml中添加以下权限,允许访问麦克风和读取电话状态: <manifestxmlns:android="package="com.example.callrecord"><uses-permissionandroid:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"/><uses-permissionandroid:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/><uses-permissionandroid:name="android.permission.M...
import com.example.recorderdemo.utils.MediaRecordUtil; public class TelListener extends PhoneStateListener { private MediaRecorder mediaRecorder; private String recordPath; static boolean recordState = false;// 是否开启了服务 private boolean isRecording = false;// 时候正在录音 private boolean isOffhooked ...
与AudioRecord类似,AudioTrack的构造器方法依然有很多需要选择的参数。其中,streamType表示音频流播放类型,AudioManager中列出了可选的类型如下: /** The audio stream for phone calls */ public static final int STREAM_VOICE_CALL = AudioSystem.STREAM_VOICE_CALL; /** The audio stream for system sounds */ ...
On an older Galaxy Ace Phone, recording @ 11025Hz, 16-bit mono will succeed. On newer Ace revisions, this AudioRecord configuration will be accepted as valid, but the resulting recording will be distorted, with a "chipmunk" effect. A very popular guitar tuner app that has hardcoded this ...
record audio on an Android device, use the phone's built-in voice recorder app. It is normally simple and easy to use. If one wants an audio recording app with more capabilities, like audio editing, plenty of apps are available, such as Easy Voice Recorder or Hi-Q mp3 Voice Recorder....
Android中可以通过使用MediaRecorder.AudioSource.REMOTE_SUBMIX来实现系统声音的录制,这个属性只有系统应用能够使用。 前言 这几天做系统声音录制,通过改源码编译后成功的;那就详细介绍下内置声源的录制方案。 Android中可以通过使用MediaRecorder.AudioSource.REMOTE_SUBMIX来实现系统声音的录制,这个属性只有系统应用能够使用。
用Media-Recorder采集的音频信号经过压缩编码后变成的声音数据为AMR格式。但因为数据是被压缩的,所以在读取数据时,要面临解压缩的问题。而用AudioRecord采集音频可以直接获得无压缩的PCM数据,即可以直接读取音频数据,数据不再需要解压缩。基于AudioRecord的方便性与实用性,本文采用AudioRecord来采集音频信号。 脉冲编码调制...
Although some devices offer you a built-in audio recorder, not all smartphones and computers have features to record system audio directly. So how can you create an internal audio recording on a PC or Android phone without a built-in recorder? Don't worry. All the internal audio recorders ..."android.permission.INTERNET" /> android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE...private String phoneNumber; private MediaRecorder mrecorder; private boolean started = false; // 录音机是否启动...e.printStackTrace(); } mrecorder.start(); started = true; Log.d(TAG, "...