Genymotion is Number One Android Emulator in the Cloud with integrations for testing framework and CI servers. Also available for PC & Mac.
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这里可以看到他是从虚拟地址0处读取32bits数据写入w0寄存器(x0的低32位,高32位自动清0),然而操作系统不会为虚拟地址0建立映射,因此MMU在将虚拟地址0转换到物理地址时找不到相应的页表项,于是MMU会产生一个 Data Abort,cpu exception level会切换到 EL1(操作系统内核所在的...
...uint32_tflags =enum_cast<uint32_t>(ThreadFlag::kSuspendRequest); ... tls32_.suspend_count += delta; ...if(tls32_.suspend_count ==0) {AtomicClearFlag(ThreadFlag::kSuspendRequest); }else{// Two bits might be set simultaneously.tls32_.state_and_flags.fetch_or(flags, std::memor...
/* signed 8 bits */ typedef uint16_t jchar; /* unsigned 16 bits */ typedef int16_t jshort; /* signed 16 bits */ typedef int32_t jint; /* signed 32 bits */ typedef int64_t jlong; /* signed 64 bits */ typedef float jfloat; /* 32-bit IEEE 754 */ typedef double jdouble...
optimal_size(struct size current_size, struct size frame_size) { if (frame_size.width == 0 || frame_size.height == 0) { // avoid division by 0 return current_size; } struct size display_size; // 32 bits because we need to multiply two 16 bits values int w; int h; if (!
Android远程控制PC的实现方式 前言 C#屏幕共享可以通过以下几种方式实现: 使用Socket通信 - 这种方式可以实现实时屏幕共享,可以将屏幕数据传输到远端的接收端,在接收端将数据还原成图像,从而实现屏幕共享的效果。 使用VNC协议。 使用桌面流媒体传输协议(RDP) - RDP是一种专门用于远程桌面的协议,可以实现高效率、...
1/*2* mask all IRQs by setting all bits in the INTMR - default3*/4mov r1, #0xffffffff5ldr r0, =INTMSK6str r1, [r0]7#ifdefined(CONFIG_S3C2410)8ldr r1, =0x3ff9ldr r0, =INTSUBMSK10str r1, [r0]11# endif 4.时钟设置CLKDIVN=0x3 , FCLK:HCLK:PCLK = 1:2:4 ...
type:段类型 probits:段中包含数据 note:包含的数据非程序本身 flag_specific_arguments:指定平台相关参数 .section .rodata :定义制度数据段 属性采用默认 .text 定义代码段 没有使用.section关键字 .section .note.GUN-stack,%progbits 定义.note.GUN-stack段 禁止生成可执行堆栈 ...
* as the value of the tag, leaving bits 33-56 unset. Native pointers are sign * extended from 48-bits of virtual address space, and so can have the MSB * set to 255 as well. Use the value of bits 49-56 to distinguish between ...