There will be no longer CyanogenMod 15 or + roms in future.Here is the list of devices which will be supported by lineageos soon.You can download lineageos based rom for your device soon. #Download Lineage OS 16 rom from here List of Devices getting Official LineageOS 15.0 [Confirmed] ...
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一加手机氢OS/H2OS基于最新Android定制,秉承超前的Material Design风格,并加入一加对系统独有的思考,最终成就专属一加手机的氢OS/H2OS(优雅、宁静的界面与图表,灵动、默契的交互与动效,得心应手的Android Rom一切从氢开始)。
ArrowOS 11.0 based on Android 11 for the Moto G 5G Plus/Motorola One 5G 11.4. Moto G4 Play If you have a Moto G4 Play and want to try out Android 11 on your phone, then go right ahead and check out the MalluOS 2.0 custom ROM linked below. ...
Download Magisk ManagerDownload Magisk APKDownload Magisk ZIP Magisk APK Supported Android Versions Magisk APK will work fine from Android 5.0 to later Android OS releases. Xposed Framework is not available for Android Nougat. Therefore, there is no need to download the APK of Magisk separately. Ma...
There is now an option on non-A/B devices to update the recovery image alongside the OS, just as the stock OS would! To use this, either enable the option during the initial device setup, or navigate to Settings -> System -> (Show More) Updater -> Three Dot Menu in the top right...