Andy is the best Android emulator available. Andy provides an easy way to download and install Android apps and games for your Windows PC or Mac.
顾名思义,Android Online Emulator 可让你在仅使用 Web 浏览器的同时充分利用 Android 世界。这是免费的。 首先,此 Android 模拟器 Chrome 扩展程序可让你运行所需应用程序的 APK 文件。设置非常简单明了。首先,安装安卓在线模拟器Chrome扩展。安装后,单击 Android Online Chrome 扩展程序,然后单击Run Android onlin...
Chrome 37+ required. This android emulator is recommended for low-end pcs. Archon - Chrome Web Store Price:Free 3.Remix OS Player Remix OS takes the place of new level Android emulator. It’s not a program you run on your computer. it’s a fully-fledged operating system! Based on the...
11. Bliss OS Bliss OS Bliss OSis unique compared to another android emulator. Others emulate Android on Windows, butBliss OS is an Android OSand needs to be installed separately for full functioning. Installation happens through a virtual box orUSBif you’re looking for the exact replication of...
PrimeOS – Android-based OS for PCs This one is not actually an emulator it a android OS but you can install this as a partition on your computer and boot up the running native Android. It is a gamer-focused Android experience; you can use this for productivity if you really want to....
NoxPlayer is the best free Android emulator leading in... VirtualBox Run Multiple OS Simultaneously VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for hardware. Targeted... Opera One 116.0.5366.51 – Final + Portable Opera One 116 is a fast and free alternative... ...
BlueStacks App Player is probably the most popular emulator for running Android apps on Mac. It is available for both Mac and Windows. It creates a virtual copy of Android OS apps on the guest OS. It uses the unique "LayerCake" technology that allows you to run android apps on your PC...
【Remix OS】 已收购Android x86,可双系统,分辨率不能调,对AMD支持不行,无法手动切换声卡输出线路。 【Genymotion】 基于X86的,虽然可装基于ARM的补丁,但是软件兼容性差,有些app在它上面会打不开点不动之类。 【BlueStacks】 最早做模拟器的,在国外独大,但性能欠佳,游戏兼容性差,国内很多助手模拟器都是基于它...
Number One Android Emulator in the Cloud with integrations for testing framework and CI servers. Also available for PC & Mac.
Play the most popular mobile games and run apps on PC with NoxPlayer, the best Android Emulator. Supports Android 9. Compatible with Windows & Mac. Much faster and more stable.