C:\Users\wyk>D:\Download\android_app\platform-tools_r33.0.1-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe help Android Debug Bridge version1.0.41Version33.0.1-8253317Installed as D:\Download\android_app\platform-tools_r33.0.1-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe global options: -a listenonallnetwork interfaces,not...
For nearly a decade, Microsoft product planners have been chasing a dream of running Android apps on Windows. Last June, as part of the announcement of Windows 11, the company went public with its intentions. And as of February 2022, those plans havecoalesced into a shipping feature. After ...
OnWindows 11, the Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA) is an integration that allows you to run Android apps on a laptop or desktop alongside Windows apps, and in this guide, I'll show you the steps to get started. Officially, you can only install apps from the Amazon Appstore, but it'...
https://forum.renegade-project.org/t/6-windows/194 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1kM4y137bR https://silime.gitee.io/2021/05/20/Windows10-on-arm64/ https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1721563590612500439&wfr=spider&for=pc 0x01 简介 本文将要介绍以下内容: 深度刷机的方法 安装Win11的准备 ...
Not sure how to install Android apps on Windows 11 without Amazon Appstore? Here's how to sideload apps on Windows Subsystem for Android.
Windows Subsystem for Android was introduced as one of the best features of Windows 11, but Microsoft will soon discontinue it in March 2025. However, for those who still want to use Android apps on Windows, there are many ways to do so other than WSA. Here’s a no-frills guide on ho...
You can also learn about using Windows Subsystem for Android™️ to update and test your Android application so that it will run on a Windows 11 device using the Amazon Appstore.Learn more. Windows as your development environment There are multiple paths for developing an Android device app ...
另一个办法是相对比较懒人的做法,依旧是通过依赖 GitHub Actions 服务的Magisk on WSA 的 fork 项目,将其 fork 到自己 Github 账户下,在 fork 项目中点击 Action 后,选择 Build WSA > Run workflow,在配置菜单中选择想要的版本。比如: Build arch:X64 ...
How to install Android apps on Windows 11 officially If you’re looking to install Android apps on your Windows PC for gaming alone, there’s good news. You can simply install Google’s official Play Games Beta and get access to dozens of the most popular games without the risk of install...
Now that we’ve explored some potential reasons why the Windows Subsystem for Android is not working on your PC, let’s go through some possible fixes to allow you to use this new Windows 11 functionality. 1. Sideload the Windows Subsystem for Android ...