Amazon Appstore for Android on Kindle FireYou can download previously-purchased apps from theyou have multiple devices
一、如何root kindle fire? 6.2.1系统root 6.2.2系统root 二、修砖(比如kindle fire设置输入法覆盖settings.db忘记修改权限时候引发一直显示kindle fire就变砖了) 1、下载fastboot(需要支...
根据Amazon's FAQ on Kindle Fire的说法,Kindle Fire默认情况下启用了USB调试。要将Kindle Fire连接到...
亚马逊建议将最低API级别设置为10,以确保与所有Fire平板电脑兼容。有关Fire平板电脑Android OS版本的信息,请参阅Fire平板电脑设备规格。如果您的应用使用了在以下级别中引入的方法:API级别11到15– 必须修改实施,避免在Kindle Fire(第1代)上调用这些方法。 API级别16或17– 必须修改实施,避免在Kindle Fire(第1代)...
On the Kindle Fire Settings screen, go to “Device” and turn On “Allow Installation of Application From Unknown Sources” Instructions Transfer the .apk files to your Kindle Fire via PC / Mac (remember where you put them) Open Root Explorer App, and navigate to the transferred .apk files...
Step 1: Change Fire Tablet App Installation Permission Step 2: Download Google APK Files On Kindle Fire Step 3: Find Downloaded Files on Amazon Fire Step 4: Install Google Play on Amazon Fire Tablet from APK Step 5: Verify the Android Apps on Amazon Fire ...
“How To Install Ice Cream Sandwich ROM On Kindle Fire”. In this post I will provide you with a simple method for installing the officialMIUIROM for Kindle Fire. This elegant new ROM is based on Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.3 (Thanks to0xD34D). Check out the step by step guide, ...
你的第一代Kindle Fire应该有2个硬件接口,一个用于ADB,一个用于MSC(大容量存储模式)。
Want to install Google Maps on your brand-new, fresh-out-of-the-box Kindle Fire? You can’t, because the stock Kindle Fire is limited to downloading apps from the Amazon Appstore. If you love to tinker with devices and improve them, however, you can follow our separate guide to rooti...
亚马逊单独批准Kindle Fire的应用程序。你的应用程序的性质是什么?亚马逊正在屏蔽Kindle Fire的某些应用程序...