Google 早前为 Android Wear 智能手表添加了一项新功能,就是将寻找手机的 Android Device Manager 加入 Android Wear。用户的手机只要和智能手表连接,就可以通过语音指令寻找手机。 只要对着 Android Wear 手表说“Ok, Google, Start. Find my phone.”,手机就会自动将音量调校至最大并发出响声,用户就可以凭声音寻回...
Android Device Manager找回你的安卓手机 泡泡网8月15日 对于iphone手机来说有Find My iPhone软件,而现在安卓手机也能找回来了,因为有Android Device Manager的存在。 这简直是等了太长时间才等来它。谷歌终于推出了这一服务,它帮助安卓机器的用户寻找或者定位他们丢失的(更糟糕的可能,被盗窃的)智能手机和平板电脑。;importandroid.content.Context;importandroid.content.Intent;;importandroid.widget.Toast;publicclassMyDeviceAdminReceiverextendsDeviceAdminReceiver{@OverridepublicvoidonEnabled(Contextcontext,Intentintent){Toast.makeText(context,"Device ...
使用data属性启动Activity需要在manifests中加入 android:name="xx"/>android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>android:scheme="lee"android:host=""android:port="8888"android:path="/mypath"android:mimeType="abc/xyz"/> data的属性如上所示,其中mimeType属于Type的属性,二者均放在中进...
进入 Android Device Manager(先要把语言改为英文,中文暂时还不好用)用了一下功能都正常,就是地图...
Android Device Manager has asimple and easy-to-use interface, negating every complication there could be in using it. Upon launching, the app will display an interface similar toGoogle Maps. The majority of the app’s window is dedicated to the map, which you can zoom to find the exact ...
The Android Device’s Location First and foremost, the Android Device Manager must be installed on the device and linked to the owner’s Google account. Once done, you may easily track the device by logging in from any system. Even if the device is being moved, the owner can locate it ...
ok,从mDPM里get的,mDPM是DevicePolicyManager对象。看到这里要吐槽下了,android的framework里XXXManager基本都是会相应一个XXXService的,都是通过典型的AIDL来实现的进程间的通信。 这里也不错所料: /** * Return a list of all currently active device administrator's component ...
Android Device Manager App Protect Your Android Device!Android device manager App download is available on And Google Store.
<action android:name="" /> </intent-filter> </receiver> SUDeviceAdminReceiver的代码如下: public class SUDeviceAdminReceiver extends DeviceAdminReceiver { @Override public DevicePolicyManager getManager(Context context) { ...