首先,我们需要创建一个新的BroadcastReceiver类。 // LowBatteryReceiver.javaimportandroid.content.BroadcastReceiver;importandroid.content.Context;importandroid.content.Intent;importandroid.os.BatteryManager;importandroid.app.Notification;importandroid.app.NotificationChannel;importandroid.app.NotificationManager;importand...
open your app to the place where the user can view and act upon the data referenced in the notification. In most cases, this will be the detailed view of a single data item such as a message, but it might also be a summary view if the notification is stacked. If your app takes the...
When the user touches the body of a notification (outside of the action buttons), open your app to the place where the user can view and act upon the data referenced in the notification. In most cases, this will be the detailed view of a single data item such as a message, but it ...
“电量变化”(Battery Changed) 当电量发生变化时,”背景”(Contexts)条件满足。 注意:这个状态在通常情况下会发生得很频繁 “电量全满”(Battery Full) 当电量全满时,”背景”(Contexts)条件满足 “电池过热”(Battery Overheating) 当电池温度过高时,”背景”(Contexts)条件满足 “系统”(System) “设备启动”(D...
意思说当电池不在low的状态,回到定义的okay值时会发送这个广播,后来试了试,应该是在20%时发送。如果对这个15%--20%中间还有一顶的差值,也可以在BATTERY_CHANGED中获得battery的level。 其他方法记得有一个回调可以使用,有点忘了,回头找到再来更新 后来看到手机在低电量时会弹出一个notification提示,感觉应该是有一...
“status”(int类型)…状态,定义值是BatteryManager.BATTERY_STATUS_XXX。“health”(int类型)…健康,定义值是BatteryManager.BATTERY_HEALTH_XXX。“present”(boolean类型)“level”(int类型)…电池剩余容量 “scale”(int类型)…电池最大值。通常为100。“icon-small”(int类型)…图标ID。“plugged”(...
<integer name="config_defaultNotificationLedOff">2000</integer> <!-- Default value for led color when battery is low on charge --> <integer name="config_notificationsBatteryLowARGB">0xFFFF0000</integer> <!-- Default value for led color when battery is medium charged --> ...
l Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_LOW l Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_OKAY 通过在Eclipse中进行search, 找到关心Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED的地方有: l NotificationManagerService:更新电源灯的更亮度和让通知灯闪几下。 l PowerManagerService: 代码如下 private final class BatteryReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { ...
[Fixed] Battery consumption displayed wrong #2487 [Fixed] Browsing security event has wrong status in Filtering Log #2512 [Fixed] “Content Blocking" menu is missing #2599 [Fixed] Custom launchers break widget's size #2521 [Fixed] Incorrect notification is shown after checking for updates when...
Android采用了Low Memory Killer的方式来管理进程,它按照优先级来为进程分配内存,『缓存的后台进程』的...