打开Android Studio 并创建一个包含空活动的新项目。将项目命名为“LiveStreamingApp”并选择 Java 作为编程语言。 第2步:添加 WebRTC 依赖项 要使用 WebRTC,我们需要在项目中添加必要的依赖项。打开 build.gradle(模块:app)文件,添加以下依赖项: dependencies { implementation 'org.webrtc:google-webrtc:1.0.+' ...
关于LiveStreamingDemo 大小 48.6 MB 更新时间 2023-01-13 版本 1.0 Build 3 LiveStreamingDemo的其它版本 1.0 (build 7) 2023-02-13 1.0 (build 6) 2023-02-08 1.0 (build 5) 2023-02-07 1.0 (build 4) 2023-02-07 1.0 (build 2) 2023-01-13 查看更多...
17LIVE - Live streaming 加入我们的假期庆祝活动! 4.0 / 5 欢迎来到17Live,这是最终的直播应用程序,它将您与全球受众联系起来。无论您是想展示自己的才能,分享您的日常生活还是简单地结交新朋友,17Live提供了一个平台来做到这一点。 17Live凭借其易于使用的界面和创新功能,可让您通过按钮的点击向全球观众广播...
Periscope is alive streaming appcreated by Twitter that lets you share what you're doing and also see what others are doing. Live streaming has been around forever but no one really nailed it on mobile. Meerkat was successful until Twitter came out with Periscope. Let's see how Twitter nail...
源代码github.com/Meherdeep/agora-android-live-streaming/tree/design 找到strings.xml 文件,将你的 App ID 填写到 private_app_id。 然后同步 Gradle 文件。 MainActivity.java 现在,创建一个名为 MainActivity.java 的文件。 此文件包含用户首次打开应用时看到的内容的逻辑。 主要的 UI 元素包括一个单选按...
可能有些人,还不了解我们要实现的功能最后是怎样的。所以我们在 GitHub上提供一个开源的基础视频直播示例项目,在开始开发之前你可以通过该示例项目体验视频直播的体验效果。 Github:GitHub - Meherdeep/agora-android-live-streaming 1 在这里,我添加了两个直播流,同时可以让多个观众订阅它。
Bigo Live, developed by BIGO Technology, is a popularlive-streamingandsocialnetworking app that allows users to broadcast themselves, watch live streams, andinteract with others in real time. It features adiverse range of content, from gaming and music performances to casual conversations and social...
- Live Streaming: Share your adventures in real-time with friends and family, making them a part of your exciting journey. - Video Playback: Relive your favorite memories with the high-quality video playback feature, bringing your moments to life. ...
Watch football matches live from your device 4.3 Free Futbol24 soccer live scores results Free football monitoring app Also available in other platforms Football Live Streaming for iPhone Program available in other languages Télécharger Football Live Streaming [FR] Ladda ner Football Live Streaming [...
HTTP/HTTPS live streaming => VLS (m3u, m3u8) 不支持的协议 RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) HDS (Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming) Microsoft Smooth Streaming 编程中使用安卓的 MediaPlayer / Exoplayer / VideoView 即可。网上有很多推荐使用 Vitamio,测试中觉得如果不需要使用 RTMP 协议的话不需要这个框架。