我们使用adb shell是因为手机跟pc要连接,但是在手机上运行时,其实不用加adb shell,直接执行”pm list package -3”即可。 方案3 采用getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities(intent,PackageManager.MATCH_ALL)去查询是否有符合指定意图的Activity,从而判断是否安装了某应用。 该方法返回的是ResolveInfo列表,而ResolveIn...
adb push<local> <remote>14. 进入模拟器的shell模式: adb shell15. 启动SDK,文档,实例下载管理器: android16. 缷载apk包: adb shell cd data/app rm apk包 exit adb uninstall apk包的主包名 adb install-r apk包17. 查看adb命令帮助信息: adb help18. 在命令行中查看LOG信息: adb logcat-s 标签名1...
You can use ADB to perform various tasks, such as installing apps, debugging, accessing hidden features, and more. In this article, we will show you a detailed list of all ADB commands for Android, along with a brief description and an example for each one. adbprovides access to a Unix ...
In this article, you will find the list of allADBand Fastboot Commands for Android devices. You can execute these commands on any computer regardless of its operating system(Windows, Mac, or Linux). The commands are universal, which means the same commands will work on any Android device, r...
adb connect<device-ip-address>:<port> 拔掉USB线, 确认连接状态。 代码语言:javascript 复制 adb devices 如果能看到 说明连接成功。 代码语言:javascript 复制 Jackeys-MacBook-Pro:xiaoailite jackey$ adb devices Listofdevices attached192.168.1.10:5555device ...
adb pull <remote> [<local>] - copy file/dir from device PULL命令:即复制一个文件或者目录进设备中 adb sync [ <directory> ] - copy host->device only if changed (-l means list but don't copy) (see 'adb help all') SYNC:复制主机内容进设备,仅仅是设备进行改变时对其内容进行同步处理的操作...
Android apk安装流程之adb安装 app安装方式 Android应用程序安装有四种方式: 系统启动时安装,没有安装界面 第三方应用安装,有安装界面,也是我们最熟悉的方式 ADB命令安装,没有安装界面 通过Google Play市场安装,没有安装界面 四种方式最后都是通过PackageManagerService服务来完成应用程序的安装。 PackageManagerService服务通...
List all running apps d.app_list_running()# expect output# ["com.xxxx.xxxx", "com.github.uiautomator", "xxxx"] Wait until app running pid=d.app_wait("com.example.android")# 等待应用运行, return pid(int)ifnotpid:print("com.example.android is not running")else:print("com.example.an...
adb shell monkey -p <packagename> -v 500 adb shell wm 修改分辨率 adb shell wm size 480x1024 恢复分辨率 adb shell wm size reset:恢复分辨率 adb shell PM: 查看系统应用 adb shell pm list packages -f adb shell pm list packages -f | grep 应用名字部分字串 ...
Android:adb -s udid reboot List all installed apps: iOS:ideviceinstaller -u udid -l Android:adb shell 'pm list packages -f' better one is: adb shell "pm list packages -f" | cut -f 2 -d "=" Get sms adb shell dumpsys activity broadcasts | grep senderName= | awk -F'message= ...