在“Sources”选项卡中,你可以看到当前的源代码根目录列表。通过点击“+”按钮添加新的源代码根目录,或通过“-”按钮删除现有的源代码根目录。点击“OK”保存更改。通过以上步骤,你可以有效地解决“Java file outside of source root”的问题,并确保你的Android Studio项目结构清晰、易于管理。
sourceSets是Android Gradle配置的基本部分,这里我们指定了新的Java源目录。srcDirs用于指定Java源代码的目录。 步骤4:导入Java文件 在需要的地方导入你刚刚添加的Java文件。打开你要使用该Java文件的Java类,比如MainActivity.java,并在顶部添加导入语句: importcom.example.external.ExternalJavaFile;// 导入ExternalJavaFile...
在Android Studio中右键单击移动后的Java文件,选择Refactor->Move,然后选择要移动的目标目录。 确认移动后,Android Studio会自动更新文件路径。 接下来,我们将提供一个代码示例来演示如何解决这个问题。 // 引用形式的描述信息publicclassMain{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){System.out.println("Hello, World!");...
A categorized collection of Android Open Source Projects, More powerful web version: - Trinea/android-open-project
GH-540 support plugin source-file element with any app target-dir value GH-547 Compatibility of old plugins with non-Java source-file entries (individual files) GH-551 add missing cast for cdvMinSdkVersion to build.gradle GH-552 check for build-extras.gradle in the parent app directory7.1...
Java.Lang.Runtimes Java.Math Java.Net Java.Nio Java.Nio.Channels Java.Nio.Channels.Spi Java.Nio.Charset Java.Nio.Charset.Spi Java.Nio.FileNio Java.Nio.FileNio.Attributes Java.Nio.FileNio.Spi Java.Security Java.Security.Acl Java.Security.Cert Java.Security.Interfaces Java.Security.Spec Java.Sql...
By default,build.pybuild binaries and Magisk Manager in debug mode. If you want to build Magisk Manager in release mode (via the-r, --releaseflag), you need a Java Keystore filerelease-key.jks(onlyJKSformat is supported) to sign APKs and zips. For more information, check outGoogle's...
Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free ...
We follow standard Java coding conventions. We add a few rules: Don't Ignore Exceptions Sometimes it is tempting to write code that completely ignores an exception like this: void setServerPort(String value) { try { serverPort = Integer.parseInt(value); ...
方法也很简单,只需要在代码中你认为会抛出OutOfMemoryError的地方try...catch,并在catch块中使用android.os.Debug.dumpHprofData(String file)方法就可以请求虚拟机dump出hprof到你指定的文件中。例如我们之前为了排查应用进程主线程中发生的OOM,就在ActivityThread.main()方法中添加了以下代码:...