首先,你需要在你的系统上安装 VirtualBox,可从这里下载 Windows 版本、macOS 版本或者各种 Linux 版本的 VitualBox。然后,你需要一个能在 x86 平台运行的 Android 镜像,因为 VirtualBox 为虚拟机提供运行 x86 或者 x86_64(即 AMD64)平台的功能。 虽然大部分 Android 设备都在 ARM 上运行,但我们依然可以从Android...
However, testing those Android apps can be a hassle. To minimize this nuisance, Virtual Box comes into play. You can freely test applications you made or just meddle with Android’s internals with Virtual Box. All you need to do is install the Android ISO on a VM using VirtualBox. But ...
The Android-x86 Project has ported Android to the x86 platform from ARM. Android-x86 can be installed on netbooks with supported hardware, but you can also install Android in VirtualBox. Android can be run as just another virtual machine, like you would run a Windows or Linux virtual machine...
|步骤|操作||---|---||1|下载并安装VirtualBox软件||2|下载Android x86镜像文件||3|创建新虚拟机并配置||4|启动虚拟机并安装Android| 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3. 操作步骤 步骤1:下载并安装VirtualBox软件 首先,您需要下载并安装VirtualBox软件。您可以从VirtualBox官方网站下载最新版本的软件,并按照提示...
Want to run Android on your PC? The Android-x86 Project has ported Android to the x86 platform from ARM. Android-x86 can be installed on netbooks with supported hardware, but you can also install Android in VirtualBox. Android can be run as just another virtual machine, like you would run...
2.在VirtualBox上创建虚拟机 操作系统选择Linux,版本选择Linux 2.6 创建虚拟硬盘 选择第一就可 VDI 接下来: 创建好以后就ok了 创建好以后还需要一些配置: 如果希望听到声音,则这样设置: 关键的网卡设置: 设置好以后就可以点启动进行android的安装了 选择install,建议先选第一个进入android系统,如果进去不报错再安装...
1、去下载Virtual box,并安装 2、去下载Android x86,并安装www. 3、创建并安装android 4、添加分辨率 set mb="D:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox" cd /d "%mb% VBoxManage setextradata "Android" "CustomVideoMode1" "480x800x16"" VBoxManage setextradata "Android" "CustomVideoMode2" "768x1280x16...
Your virtual machine has now been created. It still needs to be initially installed at this point. Settings Tested on VirtualBox 64-bit for Windows, version 5.2.0. Android-x86 version 6.0-r3, both 32-bit and 64-bit. Select your machine, then click the Settings button and refer to the ...
安装Virtual Box 点击这里打开Virtual Box下载页面并点击amd64下载: 下载完成后打开dmg文件,双击VirtualBox图标,开始Virtual Box的安装,安装过程很简单基本就是一路Next的节奏。 注册用户 点击这里在页面中输入用户名、邮箱和密码后并接受相关协议后就可以注册用户了。
The following allowed me to boot Android x86 6.0 under VirtualBox correctly - but only once: 1) When booting the installation image, the initial screen gives you four options. Move the cursor to the last one: Installation - Install Android-x86 to harddisk". 2) Press the...