5. getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getRealSize(point); 6. "the screen real size is "+point.toString()); 7. } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. D/MainActivity﹕ the screen size is Point(800, 1202) 2. D/MainActivity﹕ the screen real size is Point(800, 1280) 1. 2. 如果...
When it comes to readying your app for bigger screens it isn’t just the screen size you need to consider. Larger screen form factors affect the way people use your app, how they interact with the UI, and the focus they give your apps. 在为更大的屏幕准备您的应用程序时,您不仅需要考虑...
* If API level is less than 13, revert to using the deprecated * methods used for grabbing the device's display size */ mDisplayWidth = display.getWidth(); mDisplayHeight = display.getHeight(); }Android 13以前用mDisplayWidth = display.getWidth(); mDisplayHeight = display.getHeight();...
privatevoidgetScreenSizeOfDevice(){ DisplayMetrics dm = getResources().getDisplayMetrics();intwidth=dm.widthPixels;intheight=dm.heightPixels;doublex = Math.pow(width,2);doubley = Math.pow(height,2);doublediagonal = Math.sqrt(x+y);intdens=dm.densityDpi;doublescreenInche...
1.屏幕尺寸Screen size 即显示屏幕的实际大小,按照屏幕的对角线进行测量。 为简单起见,Android把所有的屏幕大小分为四种尺寸:小,普通,大,超大(分别对应:small, normal, large, and extra large). 应用程序可以为这四种尺寸分别提供不同的自定义屏幕布局-平台将根据屏幕实际尺寸选择对应布局进行渲染,这种选择对于程序...
在看一下getSize(Point)方法: public voidgetSize(PointoutSize) Added inAPI level 13 Gets the size of the display, in pixels. Note that this value shouldnotbe used for computing layouts, since a device will typically have screen decoration (such as a status bar) along the edges of the disp...
获取屏幕密度(方法1)int screenWidth=getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getWidth();// 屏幕宽(像素,如:480px)int screenHeight=getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getHeight();// 屏幕高(像素,如:800p)Log.e(TAG+" getDefaultDisplay","screenWidth="+screenWidth+"; screenHeight="+screenHeight...
getScreenSize Method float getScreenSize() 获取屏幕物理尺寸。 Return Type Desc float 屏幕物理尺……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网