We are listing down some methods that you can use if you want toforce uninstall apps that won’t uninstall on Android.You can start by trying out the common methods for uninstalling an App on your Android phone. Method 1: Uninstall an App through the Google Play Store Before you try any...
1、adb devices: 获取设备列表和设备的状态 2、adb get-state: 获取设备的状态(设备的状态有三种:device,设备连接正常;offline,连接出现异常,设备无响应;unknown,设备未连接;) 3、adb kill-server,adb start-server: 结束,启动adb服务 4、adb install -r: 覆盖安装应用(apk) 5、adb uninstall: 卸载应用(应用...
接下来,我们可以使用以下代码示例来强制卸载一个应用程序: importjava.io.BufferedReader;importjava.io.IOException;importjava.io.InputStreamReader;publicclassADBUninstallExample{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){StringpackageName="com.example.app";Stringcommand=String.format("adb shell am force-stop %s\nad...
installApp : 安装 App(支持 8.0) installAppSilent :静默安装App uninstallApp : 卸载 App uninstallAppSilent : 静默卸载 App isAppRoot : 判断 App 是否有 root 权限 launchApp : 打开 App exitApp : 关闭应用 getAppPackageName : 获取 App 包名 getAppDetailsSettings: 获取 App 具体设置 getAppName : 获...
Force Stop . Uninstall the app like you normally do. In most Android devices it's possible to stop an app from running through the Settings > Apps > Running menu. Tapping 'Stop' inside that menu removes th...
进程绝杀技force-stop,并非任意app可直接调用, 否则App间可以相互停止对方,则岂非天下大乱。该方法的存在便是供系统差遣。一般地,点击home弹出的清理用户最近使用app采取的策略便是force-stop. 至于force-stop的触发方式,除了adb的方式,还可通过获取ActivityManager再调用其方法forceStopPackage(),不过这是@hide隐藏方法...
也许一些使用alarmmanager做定时任务的同学遇到过这样的问题:设定alarm后,进入设置-->应用程序管理-->强行停止app后,定时任务就失效了。 简单的讲就是:force stop会导致alarm失效。 最典型的例子就是我碰到过的一个bug,使用android手机的时钟app设置一个闹钟,然后进入设置-->应用程序管理里面,将时钟这个app force sto...
Step 2.Scroll down to find “App Lock” and click on it to access its settings. Step 3.Tap “Force Stop” to cut short its operations. Method 3: Uninstall App Lock If you want to entirely remove App Lock from your Android device, uninstalling it is the best option. This will remove...
Force stop then tap Clear data . If unavailable, tap Storage then tap Clear data . Tap Disable . Disabling an app may cause related apps to function improperly. If asked to uninstall updates or disable while troubleshooting the Cloud app, you mustre-downloador enable the app....
关键词:Android,源码,卸载,app,apk。 注:目前先记录调用链,详细代码以后有空补上。 在代码中卸载app的方式: 发送的intent(ACTION_UNINSTALL_PACKAGE), 来调用UninstallerActivity.java。 代码: String packageName = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx";//要卸载的应用包名 ...