Number One Android Emulator in the Cloud with integrations for testing framework and CI servers. Also available for PC & Mac.
Select a device from the range of tablets and phones available with various Android versions. Start the machine and done. The Emulator runs over the cloud on SaaS, PaaS, AWS, CGS, and more. So, you just need a modern updated browser and good internet speeds. You can use the emulator as...
另外,最新的Database Inspector已经支持了Live Update功能,当你在应用中对数据库数据进行改变时,视图工具中会自动展示数据修改,而不用再手动刷新了。 下面简单介绍一下 内置 Emulator 的使用方法。 使用方式 File > Settings > Tools > Emulator (or Android Studio > Preferences > Tools > Emulator on macOS) 勾...
Learn how to get started with the Android emulator, so that you can test your apps on a variety of devices and Android API levels without requiring physical devices.
World's Fastest, Lightest Android Emulator and cloud gaming platform. Play mobile games on Windows & Mac. Perfect for RPG, strategy & action games.
Use BlueStacks to run Android apps on Mac VirtualBox Virtualbox happens to be one of the complicated Android software for Mac. Technically it’s not an emulator but helps you create one though. You will require number of other tools like to work along with VirtualBox. It...
You can run and play multiple games simultaneously on it. Users can record onscreen video activity or take screenshots. TestObject Free Android Emulator TestObjectis a free online Android emulator which has a cloud-based infrastructure. It is one of the fastest emulator tools that promise to pro...
Reach out in one touch, explore ECalc Cloud Mobile What other clients have found? Gamer Ecalc cloud phone allows me to continue my gaming progress on any device without being limited to a single device. Whether I am using my computer at home or my phone outside, the gaming experience is...
腾讯云提供了一款名为"腾讯移动测试服务"的产品,它可以帮助开发人员在云端运行Android Emulator,并提供了丰富的测试工具和功能,以支持应用程序的测试和调试。您可以访问以下链接了解更多关于腾讯移动测试服务的信息:
示例APK地址: APP示例:知乎 效果图: BubbleTextView Android Bubble View 项目地址: 效果图: shadow-layout Android Shadow Layout 解决了CardView:1.不能画圆的阴影。2.设置阴影的位置。3.设置...