此时遇到了一个问题,在三星设备中可以将app给处于disable状态: 1PackageManager packageManager =getPackageManager();2List<ApplicationInfo> list1 =packageManager3.getInstalledApplications(128);4if(list1.size() != 0) {5for(ApplicationInfo info : list1) {6//如果是false,代表application里的所有组件都禁用...
3. 设置应用可见性 禁用应用的一种方式是将应用的图标隐藏起来,使用户无法直接访问。下面是用于隐藏应用图标的代码: ComponentNamecomponentName=newComponentName(packageName,packageName+".MainActivity");intstate=PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED;packageManager.setComponentEnabledSetting(componentName,state,...
在需要禁用整个应用程序的位置添加如下代码: PackageManagerpm=getPackageManager();pm.setComponentEnabledSetting(newComponentName(this,MainActivity.class),PackageManager.COMPONENT_DISABLED,PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP); 1. 2. 这段代码将禁用名为"MainActivity"的组件,从而禁用整个应用程序。 总结 禁用Android应用...
For non-removable apps, instead of an Uninstall button, the App Info screen shows a Disable button Stop the app But what if theDisablebutton on theApp Infoscreen is grayed out and untappable? For especially important programs, vendors take care to block the disabling option — often for a ...
因此,可以看出,系统想让自身来管理自己,所以最好是在自己app中来管理自己被disable。 3. 在 PackageManagerService 中跳过app的安装 PackageManagerService会在第一次启动时遍历/system/app/, /system/priv-app/, system/framework/, /vendor/app/等目录里面是否有需要安装的app,如果有jar或者apk就会把app安装被加...
3. Disable app notifications Within the "Notifications & Status Bar" section, you'll find the "App Notifications Management" feature, where all your installed applications are listed. Let's use Chrome as an example. Select the Chrome icon, and toggle the "Allow Notifications" switch to the of...
Disable apps on Android via the home screen Locate the app on your home screen and tap and hold it. SelectDisablein the pop-up menu. You may also see an option to uninstall the app, but if the app is a system app, the only option may be to disable it. ...
1. Disable Google Security Alert:Google security, if enabled, scans mobile for any spy ware and throws an alert once in a while forcing user to uninstall the app. To disable Go to Settings -> Google -> Security -> And uncheck “Scan Device for Security threats”. The location of this...
An activity is a single, focused thing that the user can do.C# Copy [Android.Runtime.Register("android/app/Activity", DoNotGenerateAcw=true)] public class Activity : Android.Views.ContextThemeWrapper, Android.Content.IComponentCallbacks2, Android.Views.KeyEvent.ICallback, Android.Views....
The best part about this method is that if you mess up and disable an application that you shouldn't, it's a really easy fix.You'll also still receive OTA updates as you aren't actually modifying any system files.That's why we need the "--user 0" part of our command, which speci...