我从Android developers官网下载了安卓SDK,解压后开始安装。在安装过程中,系统提示依赖于API 10,但当前安装的SDK Platform中并未包含这个版本。根据建议,我需要先启动SDK Manager,然后选择并安装所需的API 10版本。安装过程中,我注意到一个选项,可以一次性勾选所有可用的包。出于全面考虑,我选择了勾...
Android SDK Download: Android SDK Download If you are using Android Studio, you can integrate the HMS Core SDK via the M……
Android SDK Download: Android SDK Download If you are using Android Studio, you can integrate the HMS C……
Comes with the bare essential components and libraries With the Android SDK, developers have access to all the necessary components, libraries, and tools to build apps that are compatible with the Android operating system. The kit comes as part of Android Studio's SDK Platform Tools, or it can...
Android SDK, free and safe download. Android SDK latest version: Free development tool for Android apps. Android SDK is a free and specialized program
If you have additional trouble updating your code, visit theAndroid Discussion Groupsto seek help from other Android developers. If you have modified one of the ApiDemos applications and would like to migrate it to the new SDK, note that you will need to uninstall the version of ApiDemos tha...
Android API Reference Overview Android Gradle Plugin Releases Current Release Android Gradle Plugin 8.8 Class Index Package Index com.android.build.api Overview Classes AndroidPluginVersion com.android.build.api.annotations Overview Annotations ReplacedByIncubating com.android.build.api.artifact ...
Step 1: Integrate the Webex Android SDK First, you need to add the following repository to your top-level build.gradle file of your project module in Android Studio. To do this, open the Project Structure view and then open your build.gradle (Project: Your Application Name) file. Then, ...
SDK Tools SDK Platform-Tools 这是adb, fastboot 等工具包。把解压出来的platform-tools文件夹放在 android sdk 根目录下,并把adb所在的目录添加到系统PATH路径里,即可在命令行里直接访问了 adb, fastboot 等工具。 Build-Tools 这是Android开发所需的Build-Tools,下载并解压后,将解压出的整个文件夹复制或者移动到...
Android SDK Download: Android SDK Download If you are using Android Studio, you can integrate the HMS C……